Grape >
Year-Round IPM Program >
> Identifying Sharpshooters
Identifying Sharpshooters
On this page
- Glassy-winged sharpshooter
- Blue-green sharpshooter
- Green sharpshooter
- Red-headed sharpshooter
Use the photos below to identify any glassy-winged, blue-green, green,
or red-headed sharpshooters caught in sticky traps
in and around your vineyard. Names link to more information on identification
and management.
Click on photos to enlarge

Glassy-winged sharpshooter
Identification tip: The adult is a large insect compared
to other leafhoppers, at about 0.5 inch long. It is generally
dark brown or black when viewed from the top or side. |

Blue-green sharpshooter
Identification tip: The adult has green to bright-blue wings,
head, and thorax, with yellow legs. It is about 0.25 inch long.
Comparing sharpshooters (glassy-winged
and blue-green):

Identification tip: The glassy-winged sharpshooter
adult (above) is much bigger than the blue-green sharpshooter
adult (below). |

Identification tip: Glassy-winged sharpshooters caught on
a yellow-sticky card. |

Green sharpshooter
Identification tip: The green sharpshooter is about 1/4 to
1/3 inch long and usually bright green (spring and summer) in color. |

Red-headed sharpshooter
Identification tip: This sharpshooter is about 1/4 inch long
and similar in appearance to the green sharpshooter except that
it has reddish coloration on the front tip of its head. |