Names link to information on identification and management.
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Arthropods |
Darkling beetle adult
Identification tip: Adults vary from black or bluish black to rusty brown. Do not confuse with predatory ground beetles, which prey on various soil dwelling pests. |
Cricket adult
Identification tip: Adult crickets are black or brown, and are about 1/2 to 1 inch in length. |

Flea beetle adult
Identification tip:
The adult is small and shiny with enlarged hind legs. When disturbed it jumps like a flea. |

Grasshopper adult
Identification tip: The adults are elongate, robust, winged and good flyers. Commonly brown, gray, green, or yellowish with greatly enlarged hind legs adapted for jumping. The somewhat similar cricket has longer antennae and is darker. |

Green peach aphid adults
Identification tip: Adults are slender in form and light green or yellowish. The winged form is pale or bright green and black, with a large dusky blotch on top of the abdomen. |
Leafminer damage
Identification tip: A larva mines between the upper and lower leaf surfaces, creating winding white tunnels that widen as the larva grows. |

Melon aphid adults
Identification tip: Adults are round and yellowish (right) or greenish black with ridges (left). There are winged and wingless forms. |
 Thrips adult
Identification tip:
Minute, slender-bodied insects with two pairs of long, narrow wings, the margins of which are fringed with long hairs. |