
Survey Weeds: Early Squaring

Seedling of field bindweed (wild morningglory), Convolvulus arvensis.

Continue surveying your fields during the growing season for the presence of summer annual weeds. Note the effectiveness of previous weed management practices at this time.

Survey each field separately. Adjacent fields often have very different weed populations due to different cropping histories or soil types. Keep accurate survey records for use with future growing seasons. Since many herbicides are effective only on germinating weeds, it is useful to know which species are present before they grow. Conduct weed surveys regularly to find out which weeds are present and how their populations are changing.

How to survey your fields:

  1. Walk through each field in a random pattern, rating the degree of infestation for each weed species on your weed survey form (PDF). Use either a numeric scale or rate as "light", "medium," or "heavy."
  2. Check fencerows, ditch banks, and field edges, paying particular attention to perennial weeds. Note dominant species on survey form.
  3. Sketch a map of the field and mark areas with major weed infestation.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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