Cotton > Year-Round
IPM Program >
First Open Boll to Preharvest > Summer Annual Weeds
Summer Annual Weeds You May See
During First Open Boll to Preharvest
Each name links to more information on identification and biology. See the weed photo gallery for more
Click on photos to enlarge

Identification tip: Morningglories, often called annual morningglories, have heart-shaped, first true leaves
with deep lobes at the base. Hypocotyls are maroon at the base and green toward the apex. Seedling leaves are deeply
notched. |

Identification tip: Bermudagrass leaves are rolled in the bud and the leaf sheath is flattened. The leaf
blade is 10 times longer than it is wide and the leaf is more-or-less hairy.
The ligule is a ring of hairs and there are no auricles. The collar region of bermudagrass has a fringe of short,
white hairs and the sheath is smooth and green. |

Identification tip: Johnsongrass seedling leaves are rolled in the bud. The ligule is membranous and toothed,
and without auricles. Leaf blades have a prominent white midrib. The first leaf
blade is 8 times longer than it is wide. |

Field bindweed
Identification tip: Seed leaves are nearly square with a shallow notch at the tip. Plants sprouting from
rhizomes lack seed leaves. Early true leaves are spade- or bell-shaped. |

Identification tip: Seed leaves of black nightshade are elongate-oval and pointed; the first true leaves
are spade-shaped with smooth edges. Lower surfaces are often purple. |
Nutsedge, yellow or purple
Identification tip: Nutsedges grow mainly from tubers or "nutlets" formed on rhizomes, mostly
in the upper foot of soil. Leaves are V-shaped in cross section and arranged in sets of three at the base. Stems
are triangular in cross section. |