Each name links to more information on identification and management.
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Saltmarsh caterpillar Identification tip: Saltmarsh caterpillar larvae are hairy and gray when first hatched, then
darken to yellow, brownish, or almost black with yellow lines. They
or black
can be up to
2 inches (50 mm) long when fully grown.
Stink bug nymph Identification tip: A stink bug adult is shield-shaped with the posterior angles of the pronotum extended
to prominent points. They are about 0.5 inch (12 mm) long, and more than half as wide as they are long. Color
varies from green to dark brown. Nymphs may be nearly round and black or various colors in early instars.
Beet armyworm Identification tip: Beet armyworm larvae are 1 inch (25 mm) long when fully grown. They are dull green with wavy,
light colored stripes running down the back and a broader pale stripe along each side. They usually have a dark
spot on each side of the body above the second true leg.
Cabbage looper Identification tip: Cabbage looper larvae are greenish and crawl by arching their bodies. They are 1 to
1.5 inches (25-37 mm) long when mature.
Cotton bollworm Identification tip: Cotton bollworm larvae range from olive green to dark reddish brown in color and
can be best distinguished from most other caterpillars (except the budworm) by the tiny spines, visible under a
that cover most of the body surface.
Western yellowstriped armyworm Identification tip: Western yellowstriped armyworm larvae are dark-colored with a broad yellow stripe on
each side.