The weeds shown here may be seen in fall-planted corn seedlings. For weeds in spring-planted corn seedlings, see common summer weeds. Names link to more information on identification and biology.
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Volunteer barley
(Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum): Grass family; winter annual; papery ligule with long and narrow clasping auricles; hairy foliage. |

(Brassica spp.): Mustard family; winter annual; all mustard seedlings with broad seed leaves and deep notch at tip; first true leaves bright green on the upper surface and paler below. |

Prickly lettuce
(Lactuca serriola): Sunflower family; winter annual or biennial; seed leaves about 2 times longer than wide; first true leaves with rounded margins; injured tissue bleeds milky white latex. |

Wild oats
(Avena fatua): Grass family; winter annual; first leaves with small marginal hairs and counterclockwise twist when viewed from above; ligule large, papery, and pointed. |

Wild radish
(Raphanus raphanistrum): Mustard family; winter annual; seed leaves broad with deep notch at tip; first true leaves irregularly lobed and sometimes with separate lobes at leaf base; seedlings similar to mustards in genus Brassica, but duller green and rougher textured. |
 Common chickweed
(Stellaria media): Pink family; winter annual; seed leaves with prominent midveins, about 4 times longer than wide, tapering to point at tip; true leaves broader, opposite, and yellow-green. |
 Burning nettle
(Urtica urens): Nettle family; winter or summer annual; rounded seed leaves with smooth margin and small notch at tip; first true leaves with small notch at tip, opposite, stalked, and distinctly toothed. |
 Annual bluegrass
(Poa annua): Grass family; winter annual; leaf tip shaped like bow of a boat; membranous ligule rounded with slightly pointed tip; leaf blade crinkled at midsection. |
 Volunteer wheat
(Triticum aestivum): Grass family; winter annual; distinguished from most other grasses by ligules that clasp stem with slight overlap; barley plant ligules longer, with more overlap. |