> Year-Round IPM Program > Summer > Weed
Summer Weed Survey
By surveying weeds in late spring or early summer, you can identify
summer species that escaped previous control efforts and identify
newly emerging weeds; these weeds need to be controlled before
they cause problems in the orchard or before they set seed. Early
summer surveys help in planning for postemergent weed management.
If herbicides have already been used, the survey helps in determining
the success of the treatment and identifying resistant populations.
Record your weed survey results (summer
weed survey form—). Keep these records to track weed population information
from year to year to better understand ongoing weed control
Weed identification
Identify common summer
broadleaves and grasses
and sedges.
How to survey your orchard
- Survey your orchard in late spring or early summer, after
summer annuals have germinated, to see which control
treatments are needed.
- Look for weeds that have escaped preemergent treatments or
that need postemergent control.
- Pay particular attention to
perennials, weeds near trees, and border areas; sketch out
a map of your orchard and note areas of concern.
If navel oranges might be exported to Australia, also
look for favored weed hosts of
bean thrips.
- Keep records
of your survey results. By knowing which species are present,
you will be able to make appropriate decisions on cultural
and chemical controls.
Information collected over a period of years tells you how weed
populations may be changing and how effective your management
operations have been.
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