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Identifying Sunburn Damage

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Sunburn damage
Fruit initially develop pale yellowish discoloration on the side exposed to sunburn.

Sunburn damage: circular blotches
Advanced sunburn causes extensive black, brown, or red discoloration. Sunburn damage is often circular and necrotic, resembling other causes of damage such as fruit rot fungi and wildland fire.

Sunburn damage: necrotic blotches and cracked bark
Leaves develop chlorotic then necrotic blotches, initially between the veins. Brown to purplish, roughened bark forms on upper side of small branches (left) that are sunburned.

Cracked bark and canker
Cracked bark and elongate cankers can develop on branches exposed to direct afternoon sunlight. Other abiotic disorders, certain pathogens, and vertebrates also cause branch cankers.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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