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Identification tip: Cankerworms move along twigs and leaves in a characteristic
inchworm fashion and have a habit of standing upright on their prolegs, remaining
motionless so that they resemble a leafless twig. |

European earwig
Identification tip: Earwigs feed on the surface of
fruit causing shallow feeding injury. |

European fruit lecanium
Identification tip: The adult cover is domed, shiny
brown, and about .25 inch in diameter with several ridges
along the back. |

Fruittree leafroller larva
Identification tip: Larvae are green with a black
head; as they mature they turn darker green. These larvae
are difficult to distinguish from the more damaging obliquebanded
leafroller larvae. Larvae feed on
leaves and buds, webbing them together to form a protective
case. |

Green fruitworm larva
Identification tip: Larvae are pale
green caterpillars, often with whitish stripes down each
side of the body and a narrow stripe down the middle of
the back. Green fruitworms feed on
young fruit, resulting in large corky lesions and distorted
growth as the fruit enlarge. |

Identification tip: The forktailed bush katydid is about 1.5 inches long
from head to wing tip and has red line markings. Katydid nymphs have very long
antennae that are banded black and white. |

Obliquebanded leafroller larva
Identification tip: Larvae are are yellowish green
with brown to black heads. Larvae feed on fruit early in the
season leaving depressions. |

Omnivorous leafroller larva
Identification tip: Larvae are light colored with dark
brown or black heads. When mature they are about 0.6 inch long
and have two slightly raised, oblong whitish spots on the upper
surface of each abdominal segment. They chew shallow
grooves in fruit surfaces. |

Orange tortrix larva
Identification tip: The orange tortrix larva is
pale yellow or green with a light brown head. It has light
colored round spots on each abdominal segment. Orange tortrix
cause shallow feeding
injury on the surface of fruit, especially where two
fruit are touching. |

Redhumped caterpillar larva
Identification tip: The larva is easily recognized;
the main body color is yellow and is marked by longitudinal
reddish and white stripes; the head is bright red, and
the fourth abdominal segment is red and enlarged. Redhumped
caterpillars generally skeletonize
leaves, leaving behind only leaf veins. They do not
web leaves. |

Western tussock moth larva
Identification tip: The full-grown larva is generally
gray in color with numerous colored spots, four prominent
white tufts of hair on its body, and two black tufts on
its head and one on its posterior end. Feeding results
in shallow, scabby, depressed areas at harvest. |