Bacterial canker
Identification tip: If you see limb dieback, look
for rough cankers and amber-colored
gum. There may also be leaf
spot and blast of young flowers and shoots. |

Eutypa dieback
Identification tip: Eutypa dieback, also known as Cytosporina,
gummosis, and limb dieback, causes limbs or twigs to wilt
and die suddenly in late spring or summer with the leaves
still attached.

Phytophthora crown and root
Identification tip: Trees with Phytophthora crown
and root rot develop sparse, pale foliage. |

Ripe fruit rot
Identification tip: Tan spore masses form on apricots
with ripe fruit rot. |

Shot hole disease fruit
and leaf lesions
Identification tip: Fruit lesions are light brown
with dark purple margins and usually cluster on the fruit’s
upper surfaces. Leaf spots fall out (shot hole). Shot hole
disease symptoms on fruit may be confused with fog
spot symptoms which consists of patches of small and
large red dots on the surface of green apricots. |

Fog spot symptoms consist of patches of small and large
red dots on the surface of green apricots. Fogspot can
be confused with shot hole disease symptoms.