> Year-Round IPM Program > Bloom to Postbloom
> Summer Annual Weeds You May See
Summer Annual Weed Seedlings You May See
Weeds in tree rows must be managed. Annual weeds in row middles may be beneficial, but before shaking weeds must be
managed to provide a clean and smooth orchard floor.
Use the late spring weed survey form to record your weed observations in order to make weed
management decisions. Keep these records so that you can track weed population
information from year to year to better understand ongoing weed control
problems such as resistance.
Names link to more information on identification and biology.
Click on photos to enlarge

(Echinochloa colona): Grass family; summer annual; grayish,
dull green first leaves; several purple bands on surface of
leaf blade; no ligule, no auricle. |

Common purslane
(Portulaca oleracea): Purslane family; summer annual;
seed leaves oblong, somewhat club shaped, succulent, maroon
on lower surface, and green or maroon on upper surface; young
leaves smooth, succulent, oblong, green on upper surface,
maroonish underneath, and broadest around leaf tip, with short
petioles. |

(Ipomoea spp.): Morningglory family; summer annuals or perennials; seed
leaves deeply notched; heart-shaped first true leaves with deep lobes at base;
stem below seed leaves maroon at base and green toward leaf tip. |

Hairy fleabane
(Conyza bonariensis): Sunflower family; summer annual
or biennial; seed leaves gray green; first leaves narrow and
covered with short, soft hairs; often wrinkled or distorted. |

(Conyza canadensis): Sunflower family; summer annual
or biennial; seed leaves dull green, oval with fine hairs,
and with short stalks that sometimes may be tinged brown-purple;
first true leaves covered with hairs on upper surface and margins;
undersides of early leaves smooth. |
Spotted spurge
(Euphorbia maculata=Chamaesyce maculata): Spurge family;
summer annual; seed leaves oval, tips roundish, blue green
with smooth margin; first true leaves rounded, leaf surface
smooth and dull, dark green with reddish tinge. |

Bearded sprangletop
(Leptochloa fasicularis): Grass family; summer annual;
first leaves light green, usually with white midrib; blades
somewhat rolled; sheaths loose near base of plant; ligule long,
thin, membranous and tears easily. |

Tall annual willowherb
(Epibolium brachycarpum): Evening primrose family; summer
annual; seed leaves small, round, often dark reddish green;
true leaves narrow, 4 to 5 times longer than wide, first true
leaves opposite and smooth around edges. |