Names link to more information on identification and management.
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European red mite Identification tip: Newly hatched mites are green, but as they feed, turn red. They have white spots at
the base of the large hairs on the back.
Obliquebanded leafroller Identification tip: Emerging larvae are greenish yellow caterpillars,
usually with black heads but sometimes with lighter-colored heads.
Brown mite Identification tip: Newly hatched mites are red with 6 legs.
After the first molt, they are brown with 8 legs, resembling the
fruit moth damage Identification tip: Larval feeding in shoots
kills the terminal causing it to "flag".
Oriental fruit moth larva in leaf strike Identification tip: Larvae are white to pink with a brown
head capsule. Adults are small brown moths.
Bacterial canker damage Identification
tip: Trees infected with bacterial canker develop
cankers that ooze gum.
Forest tent caterpillar Identification
tip: Larvae are grayish with yellow stripes along
the side, separated by a broad blue stripe. There is a row of white,
keyhole-shaped spots on the back.
Leaffooted bug adult Identification
tip: It is about 1 inch long and has a narrow brown body with a yellow zigzag
line across its flattened back.
Voles Identification tip: Voles chew the bark off trees just above
and below the soil line.