> Year-Round IPM Program > Spring > Irrigation
and Wheel Traffic
Irrigation and Wheel Traffic Considerations
Irrigation can have a direct effect on pest management. Providing
adequate moisture for optimum yields is important for maintaining
the health of stands and competition with weeds. During a growth
period, irrigations should be timed to meet the evapotranspiration
(ET) requirement of the crop to maximize yield, but also allow
sufficient time for drydown before harvest. Harvesting on moist
soils causes compaction, damage to the crowns, and inadequate
oxygen for roots.
Damage from a single field operation on wet soils can be long
lasting, and encourage weed buildup, poor drainage and root diseases. In
UC Davis studies, wheel traffic (two passes) has been shown to
reduce yield an average of 25%, and the effects on yield are
much greater when traffic operations are conducted on wet soils.
Any method which avoids excessive wheel traffic, especially on
wet soils, will improve yield and regrowth potential of alfalfa,
and reduce weed infestation.
Irrigations after harvest should be delayed until approximately
2 to 3 inches of growth, thus reducing the threat of root rot
or scald. Dry soils under an open canopy shortly after harvest
to minimize weed germination, particularly summer grassy weeds.
This is more difficult to accomplish on sandy soil than on heavier
soils, since more frequent irrigations are necessary.
Standing water is a major cause for both root diseases and weed
intrusion in alfalfa. Irrigation systems should be designed to
allow good uniformity and good surface drainage, especially the
tail ends of fields where damage is most common. Utilizing good
land-leveling techniques during stand establishment will prevent
standing water, thus lowering disease and weed infestation. Corrugation
or ‘bedded alfalfa’, and subsurface drains are good
methods to prevent standing water on alfalfa.
Scald occurs when excessive standing water occurs along with
high temperatures, causing severe lack of oxygen and resulting
plant death. This is a common occurrence when temperatures are
above 100° F. Thus under high temperatures, irrigations
should be done primarily at night, and fields drained quickly
to avoid scald.