Research and IPM
Grants Programs: Pierce's Disease Research
Proposals must not exceed the maximum page length (10 pages + title page, budget, current, planned,
pending, and recent PD/GWSS research support, biographies, and citations). Please use 11-point
Arial font, and one-inch margins. Submit online at http://www.pdgrants.ucdavis.edu, where much of the
information requested below can be entered in the corresponding blanks or as checked boxes.
Electronic submissions are due no later than Thursday, January 13, 2011.
Additionally, for Biological Research Proposals, please submit one paper copy to each funding
program. For Economic Research Proposals, please submit one paper copy to the CDFA program
only. Paper copies should include all necessary institutional approvals and should be signed by all
PIs, Co-PIs, and Cooperators. The paper copies must be postmarked no later than Thursday, January 20, 2011. The mailing addresses are:
- For submissions to the UC program: UC Statewide IPM Program, Attention Melanie Caruso,
Robbins Annex, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616-8621.
- For submissions to the CDFA program: Pierce’s Disease Control Program, Attention Doug
West, California Department of Food and Agriculture, 2014 Capitol Ave., Suite 203,
Sacramento, CA 95811.
Project Type
Please indicate if this is a Biological Research Proposal or an Economic Research Proposal.
Project Title
Please give the title of the proposal, in 150 or fewer characters. If this is a continuing project and you are
changing the title, please explain why.
Signature and Authorization Page
Furnish proof of authorization and agreement to conduct the proposed research by providing required
institutional approvals and signatures of the PI, Co-PIs, and Cooperators. (Note: This applies to mailed
paper copies only, not electronic submissions.)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Please see the definitions for PI, Co-PI and Cooperator on page 2. Indicate the PI, i.e., the person
responsible for overall project management, coordination, and execution. Include institutional affiliation,
address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs)
Include institutional affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Indicate the roles of
each Co-PI and make sure that each Co-PI is aware of his/her proposed participation.
Indicate the roles of each cooperator, and make sure they are aware of their proposed participation.
Research Area
Indicate, from the following list, the one primary research area in which the project falls, as well as any
secondary areas:
- Crop Biology
- Disease Epidemiology
- Pathogen Biology & Ecology
- Pathogen & Disease Management
- Vector Biology & Ecology
- Vector Management
- Vector/Pathogen Interaction
- Economic Effects
- Other
Expected Duration of Project
Indicate the number of years for which funding is requested (three years maximum).
Budget Summary
Supply the budget total for each year requested.
Supply important keywords that characterize this project.
Project History
Indicate if this is a new or continuing project. If a continuing project, indicate when it began, the number of
years of activity, and the sources of funding. Also, indicate how this project relates to other past, current,
and anticipated future research projects. Summarize previous work in this area (1600 characters).
Clarification about Progress Reports: Please be advised that progress reports should not be included as part of your
submission. Instead, use the sections entitled "Project History" and "Summary" to briefly discuss
any previous work on
your project that is relevant to the present proposal. |
Include a summary of this project (approximately 100 words).
Objectives of Proposed Research
State the aim or broad goal of the proposal, followed by a numbered list of specific objectives. After the
specific objectives provide a summary of the potential impact and relevance of the proposed research,
covering the points indicated below (3200 characters).
- Biological Research Proposals: Describe how the project’s findings will lead to practical applications
in California winegrape production and describe the steps that must be taken to achieve field
application. Provide an estimate of the timeframe involved. Describe how the overall project and
each objective address the fundamental goal of solving the Pierce’s disease problem in California.
For those proposals that present a control strategy nearing the application stage, include a research
component intended to estimate the anticipated costs and economic benefits of implementing the
control strategy. Cite relevant literature. Describe the project’s relevance to the research
recommendations from the CDFA PD Research Scientific Advisory Panel in their recent report
entitled "PD/GWSS Research Scientific Review" (See Attachment A).
- Economic Research Proposals: Describe how the research will further the understanding of the
economic consequences of PD or the economics of potential PD solutions, and how the research
can lead to better solutions to the PD problem. Describe how the overall project and each objective
address the fundamental goal of solving the Pierce’s disease problem in California. Cite relevant
literature. Describe the project’s relevance to the research recommendations from the CDFA PD
Research Scientific Advisory Panel in their recent report entitled "PD/GWSS Research Scientific
Review" (See Attachment A).
Methodology to Accomplish Objectives
- Biological Research Proposals: Discuss the experimental procedures for each objective. Discuss
laboratory experiment or plot design, expected results, statistical analyses, methods to be used,
parameters of data collection including sampling methods, and potential pitfalls and limitations. Cite
relevant literature.
- Economic Research Proposals: Explain the approach to be taken and be specific with respect to
research methods, data collection, and statistical analysis. Cite relevant literature.
Research Timetable
Outline the timeline for the research project, indicating start dates, periods of activity, and completion dates
for each activity and objective, and for the entire project.
Research Capacity and Likelihood of Accomplishing Objectives
Summarize how the principal investigators’ and cooperators’ research capacities (i.e., dedicated financial
sources, computer facilities, laboratory and field resources, and human resources) and previous work make
the proposed work feasible and increase the likelihood for accomplishing the stated objectives.
Intellectual Property
Describe any intellectual property, other than copyrighted publications, that this project is likely to produce,
and provide information or a URL describing your institution’s policies for managing intellectual property. In
addition, researchers should make reasonable efforts to describe any proprietary technologies, including
methodologies, that your research will necessarily use or incorporate and the steps, if any, that may be
required in order to use these proprietary technologies for practical field applications of the project’s
research results. Researchers should also note that the Public Intellectual Property Resource for
Agriculture (www.pipra.org) is available for consultation on PD/GWSS intellectual property issues. See Attachment B for more information about intellectual property and data sharing.
Current, Planned, Pending, and Recent PD/GWSS Research Support
Use the following format to identify support for your current, planned, pending, and recent projects that have
any component related to the research proposed in your submission.
- Provide information on all current, planned, pending, and recent projects, whether or not there is a specific time commitment by a PI or Co-PI. Where there is a time commitment (with or without a salary provision) indicate the percentage of time on an annual basis. If there are no current, planned, or pending PD-related projects, please state "NONE."
- Explain any connections and/or overlaps between existing and/or pending support and this submitted proposal. How will the total support package tie together? If there is overlap, please provide a short narrative describing what activities overlap and the percentage of effort on the proposed project that is to be devoted to the overlapping activities. If no overlap is expected, please state "NONE."
Related current projects
Name |
Supporting agency &
project number |
Total budget |
Proposed effective
& expiration dates |
Percent of time
committed |
Project title |
(PIs and
Co-PIs) |
(PIs and
Co-PIs) |
Related projects that are planned (within the next 6 months) or for which funding is pending, and recent
(past 5 years) projects for which funding was received
Name |
Supporting agency &
project number |
Total budget |
Effective &
expiration dates |
Percent of time
committed |
Project title |
(PIs and
Co-PIs) |
This proposed project |
(PIs and
Co-PIs) |
Biographical Sketches
Include a brief biographical sketch for each PI and Co-PI. List 15 of his/her most recent publications (not
just those relating to the current project). Maximum of two pages per PI or Co-PI, excluding the list of
Budget Request
- For Biological Research Proposals: Present the budget in both the UC and CDFA formats.
- For Economic Research Proposals: Present the budget in the CDFA format only.
- Indirect costs will not be covered by either program and should not be included.
- Special rules for proposals seeking CDFA funding:
- o CDFA retains the right to claim ownership of any equipment purchased using CDFA funds.
- Services of private subcontractors must be obtained through a competitive bid process.
Budget format for the CDFA Pierce's Disease and Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Board
Present the budget using the following form. Do not put amounts in shaded areas. Include a narrative
explanation and justification of budget items.
Budget format for submissions to the CDFA PD/GWSS Board
FY 2011-12 |
FY 2012-13 |
FY 2013-14 |
% of Time on Project |
Amount ($) |
% of Time on Project |
Amount ($) |
% of Time on Project |
Amount ($) |
Personnel |
Professional |
SRA/Tech |
Lab Assistant |
Other |
Employee Benefits |
(Personnel + Benefits) |
Supplies and Expenses |
Equipment |
Travel |
Computer Time |
Other |
Indirect Costs* |
(Supplies, Expenses, Equipment, etc.) |
Budget format for the UC Pierce's Disease Research Grants Program
Prepare a budget page using the form CSREES 2004 and a detailed budget narrative, following the
instructions for the form (see http://ipm.ucanr.edu/FORMS/ for forms and instructions). Although
funding is approved and transferred on a yearly basis, note your needs for the length of the proposed
project (maximum of three years). Note that:
- All budget categories for which support is requested must be individually listed (with costs) in the
same order as the budget and justified in a budget narrative.
- "Nonexpendable Equipment" and "All Other Direct Costs" categories must be itemized and the
cost per item must be provided.
Literature Cited
Include a list of literature cited in the research proposal. Provide complete citations (authors, year
published, full title, journal or book title, and inclusive page numbers). Within the proposal, cite references
by author and year.
Additional Forms Required
Additional certifications may be required for proposals selected for funding by the UC program. UC
program awardees will be given instructions regarding any additional forms needed in their award letters.
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