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Research and IPMGrants Programs: Pierce's Disease Research
Request for Proposals on Invasive Species in Plant AgricultureIssued December 1, 2009 An additional component has been incorporated into the 2010 UC Pierce’s Disease Research Grants Program: Invasive Species in Plant Agriculture. Proposals are being requested for projects that are aimed (i) at improving the prospects for early identification of newly invading species of insects, nematodes and microbes with potential to damage vineyard, orchard and crop agriculture or pastures in California, or (ii) at excluding such species. The separate request for proposals (RFP) for the main component of the UC Pierce’s Disease Research Grants Program is available online at: http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/pdcp/Research.html. Proposals are due via electronic submission on Friday, January 15, 2010. Research contracts will be awarded for one to three years, beginning with fiscal year 2010-11 (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011). For projects awarded two or three years of funding, receipt of a subsequent year of funding will be contingent upon satisfactory progress being made during the prior year. Timeline
FundingThis program, as part of the UC Pierce's Disease Research Grants Program, is funded by a special grant to the University of California from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA; formerly CSREES). PrioritiesIn a typical year, surveillance systems reveal three or more insects, nematodes or microbes that are new to California and that present a serious threat to crops or pastures. Application of new traps and analytical methods based on nucleic acid or antigen detection, and the use of these in combination, already has proved to be worthwhile in improving detection. Further improvements in methods for discovering, or better yet, excluding, these threatening organisms could prevent many millions of dollars in losses. For example, if detection is accomplished earlier, it is likely that more eradication efforts would be successful. The statements below are meant to be indicative of the types of projects that may be consistent with the intent of the Invasive Species in Plant Agriculture program; they are given for illustration only and do not represent any priority order:
General Information
Although this RFP is concerned with invasive species only, for your reference information on past and current research supported by the broader UC Pierce’s Disease Research Grants Program is available at http://www.piercesdisease.org EligibilityAny individual or group affiliated with a university or governmental agency that has appropriate research capabilities is eligible and is encouraged to submit proposals, providing that the organization is able to meet NIFA certification requirements. Format and Content of Research ProposalsPlease see the section on Research Proposal Format and Guidelines, below. Definitions of Participant Responsibilities
Review Process and CriteriaProposals will be reviewed by ad hoc external reviewers and a review panel. In addition, the University of California’s Pierce’s Disease Research Grants Program Guiding Committee will review and make recommendations for funding of proposals. Proposal budgets are further reviewed and approved by NIFA before funds can be awarded. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated in the following areas (100 points possible):
Due Dates for SubmissionsProposals should be submitted electronically via the internet no later than Friday, January 15, 2010. Submit proposals online at http://www.pdgrants.ucdavis.edu. Please submit one paper copy of the proposal. The paper copy should include all necessary institutional approvals and should be signed by all PIs, Co-PIs, and Cooperators. The paper copy must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, January 20, 2010. Mail the paper copy to Proposals that are incomplete, late, or exceed the maximum page length (10 pages + title page, budget, current, planned, pending and recent research support, biographies, and citations; 11-point Arial font; one-inch margins) may be eliminated from consideration. QuestionsIf you have questions about this research grant program or about the online submission process, please contact