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September 1, 2006

Latest research findings at UC Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Workshop

Find out about the latest research on exotic invaders by joining the University of California Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Program (EPDRP) Workshop, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Oct. 3, at UC Riverside, Riverside Extension Center, Room E.

   Latest research findings at UC Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Workshop.

UC Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Workshop
Photo by Jack Kelly Clark

From the glassy-winged sharpshooter that can cause Pierce’s disease of grapes and oleander leaf scorch, to fire ants that have infested residential areas in southern California, scientists funded by UC EPDRP are a step ahead in finding ways to prevent, detect, and control or eradicate these and other invaders.

Launched in 2001 and administered by the UC Statewide IPM Program, EPDRP funds projects to address exotic pests and diseases, and invasive species in agricultural, urban, and natural environments.

Since its inception, the USDA-supported project has funded more than 100 studies, allocating nearly $9 million. The EPDRP is a collaboration between the UC Riverside Center for Invasive Species Research and the UC Statewide IPM Program, with funding from United States Department of Agriculture—Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.

The workshop will be part of the Riverside campus's 2006–2007 100th anniversary celebration of the contributions of the Citrus Experiment Station to pest and disease management.

Some highlights include:

  • Entomologist Alex Gerry will discuss the role of arthropods in the spread of exotic Newcastle disease in southern California.
  • Weed scientist Marie Jasieniuk will talk about how she used molecular markers to identify the origin and spread of herbicide resistance in weedsinfesting California rice fields.
  • Entomologist Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell will discuss an educational program that she and her research team developed to help identify and prevent the spread of the Asian citrus psyllid.
  • Entomologist Les Greenberg will present his flight studies of the red imported fire ant.
  • Biologist Richard Sweitzer will present his findings about the ecological and economic risk of wild pigs in oak woodland ecosystems in California.

To register, visit ipm.ucanr.edu/EXOTIC/epdrpreg.html. Fill out the form by Sept. 27. A map and parking information for the Extension Center is available at www.extension.ucr.edu/conferencing/parking.

No rooms have been blocked for the workshop. Attendees are encouraged to make hotel reservations as soon as possible.  A guide to hotels in the UC Riverside area is available at www.extension.ucr.edu/conferencing/rooms.html.


Stephanie Klunk, Communications Specialist
UC Statewide IPM Program
(530) 754-6724

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