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Educational Materials: PC Software and Databases

UC IPM develops databases and software to assist the University's statewide Cooperative Extension and applied agricultural research programs. Products are designed to improve information delivery, research, and education by county extension offices, and to be used in the testing and delivery of research findings to the public and private sectors.

Most of the programs are available on the Web from UC IPM's home page, but the programs below are available for PCs.

How to order

Software and documentation order forms are available online or from UC IPM by telephoning (530) 752-8350 or by e-mailing us. Order CD ROMs from UC ANR.

Programs and databases


ALFALFA 1.4, available for MS-DOS systems, is a model that simulates growth and development of the alfalfa plant. The model's authors, Bob Loomis and Ford Denison, have developed a 75-page UC ANR publication that describes the science behind their alfalfa model. Available from UC IPM: MS-DOS (3.5"). $25.00/$7.00 manual only. Order form.

The program, without documentation, is available courtesy of R. Ford Denison here as a zipped file. Important: Place the downloaded file into its own directory, then use a decompression program such as PKUNZIP or WINZIP to expand the 25 files onto your hard disk. Download program.

DDU - Degree-day Utility 2.3

This program provides a way to estimate pest and crop development by measuring a combination of time and temperature using units of heat called "degree-days." Available on disk for MS-DOS systems.

  • The program includes five methods of calculating degree-days.
  • The calculations are based on a series of system prompts and user responses.
  • Degree-days can be calculated from temperatures in a weather file or from temperatures you enter from your computer's keyboard.
  • Resulting daily or accumulated values can be displayed on the screen or held in a file.
  • Phenology models for more than 100 organisms are included in DDU. Each lists upper and lower developmental thresholds, degree-day accumulations required for various stages of development, location of the study, and references.
  • Each phenology model can be displayed or printed.
  • The DDU package includes program diskettes and the "DDU User's Guide."

Available: MS-DOS. Download program


This database contains extensive lists of cover crops, native plants, crop cultivars, and their status as host for a wide range of nematodes. Developed by the UC Davis Department of Nematology.

You can gain access to NEMABASE in two ways:

  • Download the database and search engine directly to your PC.
  • Do simple searches through the World Wide Web.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
All contents copyright © 2016 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. FOR ALL OTHER USES or more information, read Legal Notices. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual solutions to specific pest problems. See our Home page, or in the U.S., contact your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance.

Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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