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Research and IPM

Grants Programs: Extension IPM Demonstration

Request for Proposals Deadline: March 3, 2009

For project funding through December 31, 2009

Requests for new proposals

The University of California Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) is soliciting proposals for funding in UC fiscal year 2008-09. UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) has provided $75,000 in temporary funds to conduct demonstrations of IPM research in the field, whether in urban, natural, or agricultural environments. Funds will be allocated on a competitive basis.

Goals of the program

The overarching goal of the Extension IPM Demonstration Grants Program is to reduce potential risks from
pests to the environment, human health, or economic interests of the system. The program aims to achieve this reduction by demonstrating IPM practices and increasing adoption of IPM practices in production agriculture, and residential and urban areas, and to protect natural areas such as wildlands and water bodies.

The program is designed to bridge the gap in the research–extension continuum by taking results from research sites on the UC campuses, at research centers, and in counties, then demonstrating them in new locations and situations. While these projects are expected to have a modest budget, they can provide essential resources to Advisors and Specialists to strengthen the link between research and outreach.

Priorities and criteria for selection

Project proposals must incorporate Logic Model elements (more information about Logic Models).

The program will give priority to proposals that address UC IPM’s mission:

  • To increase utilization of ecologically-based IPM programs.
  • To increase the predictability and effectiveness of pest management techniques.
  • To demonstrate science-based pest management practices that are economically and environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable.
  • To protect human health and the environment by reducing risks caused by pests or pest management practices.

Priority will also be given to projects that address targeted opportunities identified by ANR as core issues:

  • Demonstrate and/or evaluate sustainable management strategies for pest species in agricultural, natural, and urban environments.

Special consideration will be given to proposals that:

  • Demonstrate research that has been previously supported by UC IPM grants programs.
  • Increase use of existing UC ANR pest management products, such as Year-Round IPM Programs, Pest Management Guidelines, Pest Notes, Quick Tips, UC IPM Kiosk, or the UC IPM Web site.
  • Demonstrate value of increased use of enhanced IPM programs over current standard approaches.
  • Provide an educational opportunity for potential users of the methods to see the tools or methods in use.

You are encouraged to leverage activities by partnering with other agencies. To discuss possible project ideas or seek further information, contact the UC IPM Director, Associate Directors, or IPM Advisors (contacts below). For more information, see a summary of projects funded last year.


Funding is available to all UC Cooperative Extension Advisors and Specialists.  Members of the AES are encouraged to partner with CE Advisors or Specialists for projects that demonstrate their research.

Funding and reporting

Approximately $75,000 is available for grants starting about April 1, 2009. Projects with budgets up to $15,000 will be considered, but an emphasis will be placed on smaller budgets to facilitate funding a greater number of projects. Projects may extend until December 31, 2009. For longer projects, project leaders will need to submit new funding requests each year, to be evaluated as a new proposals.

A report will be required to document activities and outcomes of the project; more information will be provided in the funding letter for successful proposals. These reports are critical for providing evidence of the importance of this demonstration grants program to ANR in anticipation of securing permanent funding for the program.

Proposal submission

All proposals must be submitted in the format described below, based on Program Action–Logic Model (more information about Logic Models), you'll also find a worksheet on the Simple Grant System site for this RFP. Submit the proposal through ANR's Simple Grant System. All proposals must be received by midnight, March 3, 2009.

Award notification

The UC IPM Director will notify successful applicants shortly after a peer review of all proposals.

UC IPM contacts
Peter B. Goodell
(559) 646-6515 or
(530) 752-8350
Associate Director for Agricultural IPM
Carolyn Pickel
(530) 822-7515
Associate Director for Urban IPM Planning and Implementation
Mary Louise Flint
(530) 752-7692
Coordinator for Natural Resources IPM
Jim Stapleton, Central Valley
(559) 646-6536
IPM Advisors
Peter B. Goodell, Central Valley
(559) 646-6515
Roger Baldwin, Central Valley
(559) 646-6583
Walter Bentley, Central Valley
(559) 646-6527
John Roncoroni, Napa Co.
(707) 253-4221
David Haviland, Kern Co.
(661) 868-6215
Carolyn Pickel, Sacramento Valley
(530) 822-7515
Cheryl Wilen, South Coast
(858) 694-2846
Jim Stapleton, Central Valley
(559) 646-6536

Steve Swain, Central Valley
(415) 499-4204

Format for Extension IPM Demonstration Grants Proposals

Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt, with 1-inch margins on the page. Submit as a PDF document, not to exceed 5 pages. Include both the information requested below and your completed logic model worksheet (file is on the Simple Grant System site for this RFP) in the PDF.

Date submitted:

Submitted to: Extension IPM Demonstration Grants Program


Project leaders: Include e-mail address and affiliation.

Collaborators and cooperators:  Include e-mail address and affiliation.

Objectives: For each objective, state the expected outcome.

For example:
"Demonstrate new IPM practices in growers’ orchards in order to increase usage of IPM practices"
"Train school administrators in IPM to increase their IPM skills and knowledge"
"Demonstrate sampling techniques with the goal of reducing miticide use"

Situation, Priorities, and Inputs:

  1. What is the problem to be addressed? Briefly describe the pest and host (situation) complex. How does this address the mission priorities of ANR or UC IPM?
  2. What is the role of interested partners in the problem and outcome?
  3. What research supports the demonstration approach being suggested? To what extent will the original principal investigator be involved?
  4. Does this project support a larger project?  If so, give a brief description of how it relates and any other sources of funding available.


  1. Briefly describe activities planned, including, where appropriate, interaction with private sector consultants, plans for monitoring and sampling, field training, use of comparison plots, or methods for decision making.
  2. What types of outputs (activities) are planned? For example, field guides, photo galleries, sampling forms, information sheets, improvements to existing Pest Management Guidelines (PMGs) or Year-Round IPM Programs (YRPs), or creation of new PMGs or YRPs. How will UC IPM be expected to be engaged in developing these products?

Evaluation: For each objective stated, describe how progress in completing the short- or medium-term outcomes will be measured.

  • Short-term outcomes include increased awareness of the problem through learning changes in attitudes about the approach, problem, or solution; improved skills; and motivation to move toward improved IPM.
  • Medium-term outcomes could include changes in behavior that could lead to action to incorporate new approaches, changes in practices or decision making.

Timeline: Present a timetable for each objective detailing when phases will be initiated and completed or events will be held.

If funding will go to more than one participant, add columns to the table to show the breakdown of expenses by participant.

In a brief narrative, list supply items you need and costs. For travel, estimate number of trips and cost of each, and indicate purpose.

Expense type

Percent of time


Salaries (list staff individually)






Supplies and expenses









Completed logic model worksheet:
The worksheet template file is on the Simple Grant System site for this RFP.

Approvals: Leaders of projects selected for funding will be instructed to submit appropriate approvals before funding is transferred.  

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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