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Research and IPM

Grants Programs: Extension IPM Demonstration

Deadline: April 23, 2010

Use 12 pt font, 1-inch margins. Expected length is 1 to 3 pages for items 1 through 7, but there is no restriction.  Send reports to ipmgrants@ucdavis.edu or to the UC Statewide IPM Program in Davis, attn: Joyce Strand.

1. Date submitted.

2. Project title.

3. Project leaders.

4. Nontechnical summary.
Provide an overview of the project, briefly describing the problem, how your project addressed it, and your results and their impacts, written for a lay audience. (max 200 words)

5. Objectives and progress.
List your objectives and describe your progress for each.

6. Outputs.
List your project’s outputs; for example, publications, meetings held (including agendas, attendance), new or modified monitoring or management techniques or tools.

Attach (or supply by other means) outputs (publications, videos, photos, etc.) that resulted from your work and that will enhance our understanding of your project and its impacts, or which can be posted online to illustrate IPM techniques.

Suggest ways to include results of your work in new or existing UC IPM publications (Pest Management Guidelines, Pest Notes, Quick Tips, etc.), if appropriate.  See your initial funding letter for specific requests.

7. Impacts and potential impacts.
The “impacts” and “potential impacts” sections of this report will help UC IPM to highlight the value of the demonstration program by detailing the real-world impacts and the "so-what" value of the funded projects. We will use the information in news articles, reports, and informational brochures to showcase the impacts of projects supported by UC IPM.

A. Impacts.Describe any impacts of your work.  Impacts are specific changes—short, intermediate, or long-term—in knowledge or attitude (learning, skills, attitude about approach, problem or solution, motivation or intention to move toward improved IPM), behavior (change in actions to incorporate new approaches, changes in practices or decision making), or condition of those affected by your work.

B. Potential impacts. Describe your project’s potential impacts.  Potential impacts are the ways that your project’s outputs could lead to changes in conditions that will unfold in the future.

Additional information

  • Please attach two or more photographs that illustrate your project.  Provide a caption that describes the photo and indicate the photographer and institution.  These photographs may be used in news articles, reports, or brochures by UC IPM.  Please identify any people in the photo, and if they are not UC employees, volunteers, or students, you should have a signed release in your files.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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