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Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Fourth Edition
Integrated Pest Management for Tomatoes

Published 1998 · Publication 3274 · 120 pages

How to order
List of contents

Photo of the book, Integrated Pest Management for Tomatoes

This newly revised fourth edition of Integrated Pest Management for Tomatoes offers the most up-to-date information from the University of California on managing pests in fresh market and processing tomatoes.

Latest Information

Written in the same easy-to-read format as the first three editions, the fourth edition of Integrated Pest Management for Tomatoes has been revised extensively to include the latest information on management techniques, pest monitoring, and available control options.

Superbly Illustrated

More than 180 color photographs and numerous drawings illustrate nearly 100 different pest problems in tomatoes as well as common natural enemies of insect and mite pests.

Authoritative Information

More than 50 University of California researchers, Cooperative Extension specialists, farm advisors, experiment station scientists, and industry representatives contributed to this manual.

New in the Fourth Edition

  • Revised fertilizer recommendations for processing and fresh market tomatoes
  • Discussion of weather monitoring and disease models
  • New diagram illustrating seasonal occurrence of major insect and mite pests
  • New sections on lygus bugs and tomato bug
  • New monitoring information for worms in processing tomatoes, aphids, and stink bugs
  • New sections on Fusarium root rots, black dot root rot, anthracnose fruit rot, tobacco streak, and several other virus diseases
  • Revised information on meadow voles
  • Latest information on effectiveness of available herbicides
  • New weed monitoring chart
  • 16 new color photos
  • and much more!

Clear, Succinct Language

"Beautifully illustrated...the color plates are worth the price alone!"
—CAPCA Newsletter, reviewing the IPM Manuals

"written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms..."
—Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

How to order

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It is also available by mail, by telephone, or through the ANR sales offices and many UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For locations and more information, see "How to Order Publications."

List of Contents

Integrated Pest Management for Tomatoes
Growth and Development of Tomatoes
  • Growth Requirements (Photosynthesis · Nutrients · Water · Temperature) · Development (Seedling Growth · Vegetative Growth · Fruiting)
Managing Pests in Tomatoes
  • Pest Identification · Field Monitoring (Evaluating Pest Problems · Routine · Monitoring · Weather Information · Keeping Records) · Control Action Guidelines (Grading Standards and Damage Thresholds) · Methods of Prevention and Control (Cultural Practices: Field Selection, Land Preparation, Soil Solarization, Planting Method, Variety, Irrigation, Fertilization, Sanitation · Biological Control · Pesticides)
  • Voles (Meadow Mice) · Ground Squirrels  · Jackrabbits  · Rabbits  · Birds
Insects and Related Pests
  • Monitoring (Sampling · Pheromone Traps · Monitoring in Fresh Market Tomatoes) · Seedling Pests (Cutworms · Darkling Beetles · Flea Beetles · Thrips · Seedcorn Maggot · Wireworms · Garden Symphylans)  · Cabbage Looper and Alfalfa Looper · Tobacco Hornworn and Tomato Hornworm  · Leafminers  · Saltmarsh Caterpillar  · Tomato Russet Mite  · Aphids (Potato Aphid · Green Peach Aphid)  · Whiteflies  · Tomato Fruitworm  · Tobacco Budworm  · Beet Armyworm  · Yellowstriped Armyworm  · Western Yellowstriped Armyworm  · Tomato Pinworm  · Stink Bugs  · Lygus Bugs  · Tomato Bug
  • Description and Biology  · Symptoms and Damage  · Management Guidelines
  • Damping-Off  · Phytophthora Root Rot  · Corky Root  · Other Root Rots (Fusarium Foot Rot · Fusarium Crown and Root Rot · Black Dot Root Rot)  · Fusarium Wilt  · Verticillium Wilt  · Southern Blight  · White Mold  · Buckeye Rot  · Pythium Ripe Fruit Rot (Water Mold)  · Bacterial Canker  · Tomato Pith Necrosis  · Bacterial Spot  · Bacterial Speck  · Alternaria Stem Canker  · Blackmold  · Early Blight  · Late Blight  · Gray Mold  · Powdery Mildew  · Other Fruit Molds (Rhizoctonia Fruit Rot · Anthracnose Fruit Rot)  · Alfalfa Mosaic  · Curly Top  · Tobacco Mosaic · Other Virus and Viruslike Diseases (Spotted Wilt · Tobacco Streak · Tomato Bushy Stunt · Mosaic Virus Diseases · Tomato Big Bud) · Nutrient Deficiencies (Blossom End Rot · Potassium · Phosphorus · Iron · Zinc) · Toxicities (Boron · Ammonia · Herbicides) · Temperature Extremes (Chilling Injury to Fruit · Frost Damage · Sunscald)  · Genetic and Physiological Disorders (Tomato Pox · Puffiness · Blotchy Ripening)
  • Management Guidelines (Field Selection and Crop Rotation · Monitoring · Cultivation · Sanitation · Soil Solarization · Herbicides) · Major Weed Species in Tomatoes · Weeds of the Nightshade Family (Black Nightshade · Hairy Nightshade · Groundcherries · Indian Tobacco · Jimsonweed) · Perennial Weeds (Yellow Nutsedge · Purple Nutsedge · Field Bindweed · Johnsongrass) · Parasitic Weeds (Dodder · Broomrape) · Annual Broadleaf Weeds (Goosefoot Family · Amaranth Family · Sunflower Family · Mustard Family · Mallow Family · Others)
Annual Grasses
Key to Major Caterpillar Pests of Tomato in California

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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