
Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Third Edition
Pests of the Garden and Small Farm:
A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide

Published 2018  · Publication 3332 · 248 pages

How to order
List of contents

Photo of the book, Pests of the Garden and Small Farm; A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide.

This beautifully illustrated handbook for small-scale farmers and home gardeners covers insect, mite, disease, nematode, and weed pests of fruit and nut trees, vegetables and herbs. Individual sections describe biology, identification, and management practices for over 120 common pests. Symptom-identification tables organized by crop refer you to relevant pages within and help you diagnose problems in your crop. The IPM approach focuses on prevention and suggests minimal use of harmful pesticides; recommended methods rely primarily on organically acceptable alternatives.

New in the Third Edition

Earlier editions of this classic book were UC ANR best sellers and ?must have? resources in the libraries of UC Master Gardeners and market garden growers. This third edition builds on that content with major updates and additions in every section including:

  • a new layout that includes 120 new color photographs
  • updated biological and technical information incorporating input from University of California scientists, horticultural advisors, and UC Master Gardeners
  • new management practices for dozens of pests with emphasis on biological control agents and use of less toxic and organically acceptable pesticides, such as microbial products and horticultural and plant-based oils
  • detailed descriptions of cultural practices such as solarization, disease suppressive composts, and mulches that can prevent or suppress pests
  • coverage of over 30 new insect, disease, and weed pests
  • expanded crop tables to include 6 new crops and herbs and many additional pests

Outstanding Photos

More than 400 color photographs and drawings will help you identify and manage scores of pest problems, including insects, mites, other arthropods, snails and slugs, diseases, nematodes, and weeds. Important natural enemies of pest insects and mites are also illustrated.

Special Crop Tables

The last section of the book, Crop Tables, lists symptoms and causes of common pest problems for 35 fruit, nut, vegetable and herb crops, and directs the reader back to relevant chapters and photos to easily diagnose problems.



 “ . . . an indispensible and authoritative manual for small scale fruit and vegetable growers”--Library Journal

“The best book on pest control for the market garden” --Growing for Market magazine

"Written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms..."
—Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

How to order

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It may also be available for direct purchase through your local UC County Cooperative Extension office.

List of Contents

Designing a Pest Management Program
  • Crop Development in Relation to Pest Management (Development of Vegetable Crops, Development of Fruit and Nut Trees) ~Components of a Successful Pest Management Program  ~General Management Practices (Soils and Nutrition, Water Management, Sanitation, Resistant Varieties, Crop Rotation, Soil Solarization, Reflective Mulches, Plant Cages, Row Covers, and Other Pest Barriers, Intercropping, Companion Planting, and Cover Crops, Biological Control, Pesticides)
Common Insects, Mites, Other Arthropods, and Snails and Slugs
  • Damage  ~Life Cycles  ~Monitoring and Diagnosing Problems  ~Management Methods (Biological Control, Pesticides)  ~Leaf- and Fruit-Feeding Caterpillars (Biology, Damage, Monitoring and Management)  ~Caterpillars on Fruit and Nut Trees (Codling Moth, Navel Orangeworm, Orange Tortrix, Fruittree Leafroller, Omnivorous Leafroller, Other Leafrollers, Green Fruitworm, Peach Twig Borer, Oriental Fruit Moth, Redhumped Caterpillar, Western Tussock Moth, Tent Caterpillars)  ~Common Caterpillar Pests in Vegetables (Armyworms, Cutworms, Corn Earworm/Tomato Fruitworm, Cabbage Loopers, Imported Cabbageworm, Tomato and Tobacco Hornworms, Saltmarsh Caterpillar, Tomato Pinworm, Potato Tuberworm, Webworms)  ~Borers (Peachtree Borer, American Plum Borer, Pacific Flatheaded Borer, Shothole Borer)   ~Leaf- and Fruit-Feeding Beetles (Cucumber Beetles, Flea Beetles, Wireworms, False Wireworms, Darkling Beetles, Green Fruit Beetle)  ~Stink Bugs, Lygus Bugs, and Other True Bugs (Stink Bugs, Lygus Bugs, Squash Bugs, Leaffooted Bugs)  ~Leafhoppers and Sharpshooters  ~Psyllids  ~Spittle Bugs  ~Aphids   ~Scale Insects  ~Armored Scales (San Jose Scale, Walnut Scale, California Red Scale)  ~Soft Scales (Brown Soft Scale, Citricola Scale, Black Scale, Lecanium Scales)  ~Cottony Cushion Scale  ~Mealybugs  ~Whiteflies  ~Ants  ~Mites (Webspinning Spider Mites, Red Mites, Brown Mite, Blister, Bud, Gall, and Rust Mites, Cyclamen Mite)   ~Thrips  ~Leafminers (Leafminers on Vegetables, Apple Leafminers, Citrus Leafminer)  ~Fruit Flies (Spotted Wing Drosophila)  ~Other Flies on Trees  ~Maggots on Vegetable Crops  ~Earwigs  ~Sowbugs and Pillbugs  ~Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Katydids  ~Garden Symphylans  ~Snails and Slugs
  • Types of Pathogens  ~Monitoring and Diagnosing Diseases  ~Disease Management (Resistant varieties, Certified and disease-free planting material, Planting site and spacing, Irrigation and fertilization, Roguing and pruning, Sanitation, Rotation, Weed and insect control, Aerobic composting, Soil solarization, Biological control, Pesticides)  ~Damping-off, Seed and Seedling Decay  ~Powdery Mildew  ~Downy Mildew  ~Brown Rot of Stonefruit  ~Phytophthora Brown Rot of Citrus  ~Gray Mold and Bunch Rot Botrytis  ~White Mold  ~Common Smut of Corn  ~Bacterial Soft Rots of Vegetables  ~Shot Hole  ~Peach Leaf Curl  ~Bacterial Canker and Blast   ~Apple Scab  ~Pear Scab  ~Fire Blight  ~Viruses  ~Vascular Wilts: Fusarium and Verticillium  ~Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot  ~Armillaria Root Rot  ~Crown Gall  ~Eutypa Dieback
  • Root Knot Nematodes—The Most Common Problem  ~Less Common Root-Feeding Nematodes  ~Nematodes Attacking Aboveground Plant Parts  ~Complexities of the Small Farm and Garden  ~Symptoms and Damage  ~Life Cycle  ~Management  ~Crop Rotation  ~Fallowing  ~Resistant and Tolerant Varieties and Rootstocks  ~Solarization and Other Heat Treatments  ~Nematode-suppressive Marigolds  ~Soil Amendments  ~Orchard Floor Management  ~Planting and Harvest Dates  ~Biological Control  ~Sanitation
  • Types of Weeds  ~Weed Management Methods:  ~Exclusion: Reduce the Seed Bank  ~Crop Rotation  ~Solarization  ~Handweeding and Hoeing  ~Machine Tillage  ~Mulching  ~Biological Control  ~Weed Management When Planting and Transplanting Vegetables  ~Managing Weeds Around Backyard Fruit Trees  ~Managing Weeds in Larger Commercial Orchards  ~Weed Management in Caneberries  ~Special Problem Weeds  ~Grasses  (Annual Bluegrass, Large crabgrass, Barnyardgrass, Dallisgrass, Bermudagrass)  ~Sedges (Yellow nutsedge)  ~Broadleaves (Annual sowthistle, Bristly  oxtongue, Prickly lettuce, Common groundsel, Horseweed and hairy fleabane, Burning nettle, Common chickweed, Common lambsquarters, Field bindweed, Little mallow, Mustards, Pigweeds, Puncturevine, Purslane, Spotted spurge)
Crop Tables
  • Vegetables and Herbs:  General Pests Attacking Seedlings of Many Vegetables  ~Artichokes  ~  Asparagus  ~Basil  ~Beans  ~Beets  ~Carrots  ~Chard  ~Cole Crops (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts)  ~Cucurbit Crops (Squash, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cantaloupe, Watermelon)  ~Lettuce, Mint  ~Onions and Garlic  ~Peas (and Sugar Peas)  ~Peppers and Eggplants  ~Potatoes  ~ Radishes  ~Rosemary  ~Spinach  ~Sweet Corn  ~Tomatoes  ~Turnips

    Tree Fruits, Nuts and Vines   Almonds  ~Apples  ~Apricots  ~Avocados  ~Blackberries, Raspberries and Other Caneberries  ~Cherries  ~Citrus  ~Grapes  ~Olives  ~Peaches and Nectarines  ~Pears  ~Plums and Prunes  ~Strawberries  ~Walnuts

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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