
Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Third Edition
Integrated Pest Management for Citrus

Published 2012 · Publication 3303 · 275 pages

How to order
List of contents
  Book excerpts:
General predators in citrus (2.9 MB, PDF)
Fruit disorders in citrus (PDF)

Cover of Integrated Pest Management fpr Citrus.

Integrated Pest Management for Citrus is the best-illustrated guide available for the prevention, identification, monitoring, and management of citrus pests. This book also provides substantial information on citrus production practices that prevent pest problems. More highly illustrated and extensively revised during its third edition, this book presents pest information and management recommendations from University of California Cooperative Extension specialists, farm advisors, and researchers.


Third edition revisions include:

  • more than 300 additional photographs
  • more illustrated keys to help you distinguish among similar-looking pest species
  • new pests and foreign species to look-out for
  • updated monitoring and pest management recommendations
  • effective use of natural enemies, cultural controls, and other pest-prevention methods

High-quality Photographs

More than 500 high-quality color photographs and dozens of drawings and charts will help you identify and manage over 150 different citrus pests and to recognize the important natural enemies of pest insects and mites. The book content includes pest insects, mites, diseases, weeds, nematodes, and vertebrates. Abiotic disorders and crop production and harvest-related problems are also covered.

A Best Buy

"...a best buy in citrus literature today."
--California-Arizona Farm Press review of IPM for Citrus

"Written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms..."
--Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

Current Information

Use this substantially revised field guide in combination with the regularly updated pesticide and monitoring recommendations online in the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Citrus and Citrus Year-Round IPM Program.

How to order

Obtain Integrated Pest Management for Citrus from the UC ANR catalog, or by mail, by telephone, and at many of the UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For more information, see "How to Order Publications."

List of Contents

Integrated Pest Management for Citrus
The Citrus Tree: Development and Growth Requirements
  • The Seasonal Cycle of Citrus ·  Growth Requirements
Managing Pests in Citrus
  • Pest Prevention ·  Identification and Diagnosis ·  Monitoring ·  Monitoring Pests ·  Monitoring Weather ·  Accumulating Degree-Days ·  Control Action Guidelines ·  Year-Round IPM ·  Management Methods ·  Scion and Rootstock Cultivar Selection ·  Sanitation ·  Soil and Water Management ·  Irrigation Methods ·  Irrigation Efficiency and Scheduling ·  Fertilizing ·  Frost Protection ·  Harvest ·  Pruning ·  Cover Crops ·  Biological Control ·  Augmentation ·  Classical Biological Control ·  Conservation ·  Pesticides ·  Oils ·  Using Pesticides Effectively ·  Application Timing ·  Coverage ·  Calibration ·  Equipment ·  Problems With Pesticide Use ·  Pesticide Resistance ·  Pest Resurgence ·  Secondary Pest Outbreak ·  Phytotoxicity ·  Hazards to Honey Bees ·  Hazards to People ·  Hazards to Wildlife ·  Hazards to Water Quality ·  Air Pollution
  • Monitoring and Diagnosis ·  Prevention and Management ·  ROOT ROTS ·  Management ·  Phytophthora Root Rot ·  Dry Root Rot ·  Armillaria Root Rot ·  Rosellinia Root Rot ·  TRUNK DISEASES ·  Management ·  Phytophthora Gummosis ·  Dothiorella Gummosis (Dothiorella Blight) ·  Hendersonula Tree and Branch Wilt (Sooty Canker) ·  Hyphoderma Gummosis ·  Wood Decays ·  Psorosis ·  Exocortis ·  TRUNK DISORDERS ·  Shell Bark and Dry Bark ·  Bud Union Disorders ·  Sunburn ·  Frost and Freeze ·  FRUIT DISEASES ·  Management ·  Brown Rot ·  Alternaria Rot ·  Anthracnose ·  Septoria Spot ·  Bacterial Blast (Citrus Blast, or Black Pit) ·  Blue and Green Mold (Clear Rot) ·  Botrytis Rot (Gray Mold) ·  Sooty Molds ·  FRUIT DISORDERS ·  Chimeras ·  Wind Injury ·  Sunburn ·  Hail ·  Frost and Freeze ·  Rind Stipple of Grapefruit ·  Rind Disorder (Mandarin Rind Disorder) ·  Peteca of Lemon ·  Puff and Crease ·  Oleocellosis (Oil Spotting) ·  Split Fruit ·  Spray Injury (Phytotoxicity) ·  LEAF AND TWIG DISEASES ·  Bacterial Blast (Citrus Blast, or Black Pit) ·  Botrytis Rot ·  Anthracnose ·  Vein Enation (Woody Gall) ·  LEAF AND TWIG DISORDERS ·  Aeration Deficit or Root Asphyxiation ·  Water Deficit or Stress ·  Twig Dieback ·  Frost and Freeze ·  Wind Injury ·  Hail ·  Mesophyll Collapse ·  Fire ·  Sunburn ·  Air Pollution ·  Spray Injury (Phytotoxicity) ·  Chimeras ·  Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities ·  EXOTIC DISEASES ·  Citrus Bacterial Canker (Citrus Canker) ·  Huanglongbing (HLB), or Citrus Greening ·  Citrus Variegated Chlorosis ·  Citrus Leprosis ·  DISEASES AFFECTING GROWTH HABIT AND YIELD ·  Management ·  Stubborn Disease ·  Tristeza ·  Cachexia (Xyloporosis) ·  Lemon Sieve Tube Necrosis
Insects, Mites and Snails
  • Invertebrate Damage ·  Identifying Insects and Mites ·  Monitoring Insects and Mites ·  Monitoring Methods ·  Visual Search ·  Traps ·  Shake and Beat Sampling ·  General Predators ·  Green Lacewings ·  Brown Lacewings ·  Dustywings ·  Minute Pirate Bugs ·  Assassin Bugs ·  Lady Beetles ·  Syrphid Flies ·  Predatory Mites ·  Spiders ·  Scale Insects ·  Scale Insect Management ·  Armored Scales ·  California Red Scale and Yellow Scale ·  Purple Scale ·  Soft Scales ·  Citricola Scale ·  Brown Soft Scale ·  Black Scale ·  Cottony Cushion Scale ·  Thrips ·  Identifying Thrips Species ·  Management ·  Citrus Thrips ·  Neohydatothrips ·  Greenhouse Thrips ·  Bean Thrips ·  Caterpillars (Orangeworms) ·  Management ·  Cutworms ·  Orange Tortrix ·  Fruittree Leafroller ·  Omnivorous Leafroller ·  Amorbia ·  Light Brown Apple Moth ·  Western Tussock Moth ·  Scavenger Caterpillars ·  California Orangedog ·  Giant Orangedog ·  Citrus Looper ·  Cabbage Looper ·  Beet Armyworm ·  Miners ·  Citrus Peelminer ·  Citrus Leafminer ·  Hemiptera (Homoptera) ·  Mealybugs ·  Whiteflies ·  Aphids ·  Asian Citrus Psyllid ·  Glassy-winged Sharpshooter ·  Potato Leafhopper ·  Chewing Insects ·  Forktailed Katydid ·  Grasshoppers ·  European Earwig ·  Diaprepes Root Weevil ·  Fuller Rose Beetle ·  Ants ·  Argentine Ant, Native Gray Ant, Southern Fire Ant, Red Imported Fire Ant

Spider Mites

  • Spider Mite Management ·  Citrus Red Mite ·  Twospotted Spider Mite ·  Texas Citrus Mite ·  Yuma Spider Mite ·  Sixspotted Mite ·  Lewis Spider Mite ·  Hydrangea Mite

Other Types of Mites

  • Broad Mite ·  Citrus Bud Mite ·  Citrus Rust Mite (Silver Mite) ·  Flat Mite

Mite Predators

  • Euseius Predatory Mites ·  Spider Mite Destroyer ·  Sixspotted Thrips ·  Predaceous Midges ·  Predatory Rove Beetle
Other Invertebrate Pests
  • Exotic Fruit Flies ·  Brown Garden Snail
  • Description and Biology ·  Symptoms and Damage ·  Monitoring and Diagnosis ·  Sampling Nematode Larvae in Soil ·  Sampling Female Nematodes on Roots ·  Interpreting Sample Results  ·  Prevention and Management ·  Rootstock Selection ·  Sanitation and Cultural Practices  ·  Natural Enemies ·  Chemical Control
  • Managing Pest Vertebrates ·  Observation and Identification ·  Monitoring ·  Control Actions ·  Habitat Modifications ·  Biological Control ·  Exclusion ·  Frightening Devices ·  Shooting ·  Trapping ·  Baits and Fumigants ·  Endangered Species Guidelines ·  Vertebrate Pests ·  Pocket Gophers ·  Ground Squirrel ·  Tree Squirrels ·  Rabbits ·  Voles (Meadow Mice) ·  Deer Mice ·  Roof Rat ·  Deer ·  Coyote ·  Wild Pig ·  European Starling
  • Life Cycles ·  Weed Control Strategies ·  Prevention  ·  Monitoring ·  Control Methods ·  Irrigation ·  Cultivation ·  Ground Cover ·  Mulch ·  Biological Control ·  Herbicides ·  Preemergence Herbicides ·  Postemergence Herbicides ·  Herbicide-Resistant Weeds ·  Environmental Considerations ·  Identifying Major Weed Species ·  Identification Resources ·  Special Weed Problems in Citrus ·  Johnsongrass ·  Nutsedges
Harvesting and Pest Management
  • Prevent Fruit Rot Diseases ·  Pick a Good Harvest Time ·  When Picking Fruit ·  After Fruit Are Picked ·  Good Agricultural Practices
World Wide Web Sites
Suggested Reading
Literature Cited
List of Tables and Figures

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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