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Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Integrated Pest Management for Avocados

Published 2008 · Publication 3503 · 222 pages

List of contents
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  Book excerpts:
Armillaria root rot (PDF)
Thrips (PDF)

Photo of cover of the book, Integrated Pest Management for Avocado.

Integrated Pest Management for Avocados is the most complete guide available for managing pest problems in avocados. Developed for growers and pest control professionals, IPM for Avocados uses the most up-to-date research available from University of California faculty and Cooperative Extension specialists, combined with day-to-day experience from farm advisors and pest control advisors. Over 30 University experts and industry professionals contributed to this new publication.

Integrated Pest Management for Avocados is designed for use in combination with the 2007 revision of the Avocado: UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines, which provide up-to-date pesticide recommendations, and the new seasonal decision-making guide Avocado Year-Round IPM Program.

Indispensable Guide

This highly illustrated, 220-page book is an indispensable guide for:

  • preventing and diagnosing causes of damage
  • identifying pests and beneficial organisms
  • understanding pest and natural enemy biology
  • establishing a pest management program
  • using biological control and other nonchemical methods
  • understanding how cultural practices and their modification affect pests
  • determining when direct control actions are warranted

High-quality Photographs

IPM for Avocados presents 386 high-quality color photographs of disorders and pests and the damage they cause. These photographs and 64 major illustrations and charts help you to identify and manage over 100 pests and disorders in avocado, including insects, mites, diseases, weeds, nematodes, and vertebrates. Also pictured are key natural enemies of pest insects and mites and problems related to irrigation, nutrition, and the growing environment.

The manual's first few chapters summarize avocado growth and development, general crop production practices, and basic IPM principles. Subsequent chapters cover the management of avocado diseases, abiotic (non-infectious) disorders, insects and mites, weeds, and vertebrate pests. Good harvest and handling practices to enhance fruit quality and food safety are reviewed. IPM recommendations provided include guidelines for monitoring pests, enhancing natural controls, and taking effective control actions.

How to order

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It is also available by mail, by telephone, or through the ANR sales offices and many UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For locations and more information, see "How to Order Publications."

List of Contents

Integrated Pest Management for Avocados
The Avocado Tree: Development and Growth Requirements
Managing Pests in Avocados
  • Pest Prevention · Identification and Diagnosis · Monitoring · Monitoring Units · Monitoring Pests · Monitoring Weather · Year-Round IPM · Control Action Guidelines · Management Methods · Site Selection and Preparation · Rootstock Cultivar Selection · Excluding Foreign Pests · Sanitation · Mulch · Vegetation Management · Irrigation · Fertilization · Pruning · Harvesting · Biological Control · Conservation · Pesticides · Using Pesticides Effectively · Problems Associated With Pesticides
Cultural Practices and Abiotic Disorders
  • Water Deficiency and Excess · Irrigation Methods · Scheduling Irrigation · Irrigation Efficiency  · Aeration Deficit or Root Asphyxiation · Fertilization · Nutrient and Mineral Disorders · Nitrogen · Phosphorus · Potassium · Iron · Manganese · Zinc · Chloride and Sodium · Salinity · Boron · pH · Alkalinity · Phytotoxicity · Injuries · Carapace Spot · Sunburn · Heat Damage · Ringneck · Fire · Frost and Freeze · Genetic Disorders · Cuke · Embossment · Disorders of Unknown Cause · Crick-side · Split Fruit · Warty Fruit · Woody Avocados
  • Monitoring and Diagnosis · Prevention and Management · Plant Wisely · Use good sanitation · Provide good cultural care  · Symptoms from Infection Through Roots · Avocado Root Rot or Phytophthora Root Rot · Armillaria Root Rot · Dematophora or Rosellinia Root Rot · Root, Crown, and Wood Rots · Verticillium Wilt  · Cankers on Trunks and Limbs · Phytophthora Canker or Citricola Canker  · Dothiorella Canker · Bacterial Canker · Avocado Black Streak  · Symptoms on Fruit, Leaves, and Twigs · Sunblotch  · Anthracnose · Stem End Rot · Phytophthora Fruit Rot ·  Dothiorella Fruit Rot · Dothiorella Leaf and Stem Blight · Sooty Mold
Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates
  • Monitoring Insects and Mites · Pest Prevention and Management · Cultural practices · Biological control · Pesticides · Mites · Persea Mite · Avocado Brown Mite · Sixspotted Mite · Avocado Bud Mite · Thrips · Avocado Thrips · Neohydatothrips burungae · Greenhouse Thrips · Caterpillars · Amorbia or Western Avocado Leafroller · Omnivorous Looper · Orange Tortrix  · Ants · Hemiptera · Avocado Lace Bug  · Armored Scales · Soft Scales · Whiteflies · Mealybugs · Leafhoppers and Sharpshooters · Twospotted Leafhopper · Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter · Exotic Pests · Fruit Flies · Diaprepes Root Weevil · Pests of Young Trees · Fuller Rose Beetle · June Beetles (Scarabs) · Grasshoppers · European Earwig · Brown Garden Snail · Branch And Twig Borer · False Chinch Bug · Nematodes
  • Life Cycles · Monitoring · Management Before and During Grove Establishment · Management in Established Groves · Sanitation · Irrigation · Mulch · Cover crops · Hand-weeding · Flaming · Cultivation · Mowing · Herbicides · Identifying Major Weed Species · Perennial Grasses · Bermudagrass · Dallisgrass · Summer Annual Grasses · Barnyardgrass · Crabgrasses · Winter Annual Grasses · Annual Bluegrass · Bromes · Wild oats · Sedges · Nutsedges · Perennial Broadleaves · Field Bindweed · Prickly Pear · Wild Cucumber · Summer Annual Broadleaves · Common Cocklebur · Nightshades · Puncturevine · Winter Annual Broadleaves · Nettles ·  Mustards
  • Observation and Identification · Monitoring · Control Actions · Habitat modification · Biological control · Exclusion · Trapping · Endangered species guidelines · Baits · Fumigants · Vertebrate Pests · Ground Squirrel · Eastern Fox Squirrel · Pocket Gophers · Opossum · Raccoon  · Rats  · Deer Mice · Voles or Meadow Mice · Rabbits · Deer
Harvest Management for Fruit Quality
  • Prevent Fruit Quality Problems · Pick a Good Harvest Time · When Picking Fruit · Educate and Manage Field Workers · After Fruit Are Picked
World Wide Web Sites
Suggested Reading
Literature Cited
List of Tables and Figures

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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