2011 Highlights: UC IPM Annual ReportUC IPM, NRCS named innovators—by Jeannette Warnert, public information representative, UC ANR UC IPM was among organizations honored by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation as 2010 IPM Innovators. The UC IPM award is shared with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. UC IPM and NRCS defined and clarified effective IPM practices for a wide range of commodities and provided stakeholders with this information and incentives to increase its adoption and implementation. Examples of the partnership’s efforts include development of year-round IPM programs for 19 different crops. These programs help to reduce pesticides in water runoff and volatile organic compound pesticide emissions that contribute to smog. The annual honor is presented to organizations for their efforts to control pests with a combination of natural and preventive strategies and pesticides less toxic than traditional treatments. DPR Director Mary–Ann Warmerdam presented the IPM Innovator Awards in Sacramento on Jan. 27, 2011. > Next article: Winegrape Commission presents Varela with viticulture award |