2011 Highlights: UC IPM Annual Report
Resource Roundup
New resources and updates from UC IPM in the past year include:
Pest management information and tools
Available online, unless otherwise noted
- Pest Management Guidelines—updated eight crops
- Year-round IPM programs—added four crops (Asparagus, Corn, Cucurbits, and Peppers )
- Pest Notes—revised 19 titles and added two (Indian Walking Stick and Olive Knot)
- Quick Tips in English—revised 25 titles and added one (Parasites of Insect Pests) (also in print)
- Quick Tips in Spanish—revised five titles and added five (Arañas comunes del jardín [Common Garden Spiders], Depredadores benéficos [Beneficial Predators], Herbicidas para controlar malezas [Weed Control Using Herbicides], Insecticidas menos tóxicos [Less Toxic Insecticides], and Parásitos de insectos plaga [Parasites of Insect Pests]) (also in print)
- Meet the Beneficials! poster (also in print)
- Pest identifier wheel (print)
- Vineyard Pest Identification and Monitoring Cards (print)
- Home and landscape pesticide database
- European grapevine moth brochure and poster (print)
- Goldspotted Oak Borer Field Identification Guide
- Guide to Moths and Worms in Grapevine Clusters (print)
- Pesticide active ingredient cards (also in print)
- UC IPM Green Bulletin newsletter—issues in February, March, and November 2011
- Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News newsletter—issues in April, June, September, and December 2011 (also in print)
Online training materials