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2006 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

Silverleaf whitefly adult
Tent-type pheromone trap  Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.

Growers’ ally found in year-round IPM programs and pest management guidelines

Work continues on the development of year-round IPM programs to help Web users build a comprehensive IPM plan for their farms and to give them better access to information in the UC IPM pest management guidelines database. 

Eight year-round programs (alfalfa, almond, cotton, nectarine, peach, plum, prune and wine and table grapes) are now available. Coming soon are avocado, processing tomato, and walnut. Several other year-round IPM programs are scheduled for release in 2007.

The year-round programs give growers a checklist of management activities for a specific crop, depending on the time of year, and include detailed monitoring instructions and forms, pest and natural enemy photo identification pages, weed seedling identification pages, and considerations for reducing impacts on air and water quality. 

The pest management guidelines now include in-depth information on pesticide resistance, as well as a new feature that allows the user to create a customized weed susceptibility table.

Find the year-round programs and the pest management guidelines under the agriculture and floriculture section of the UC IPM Web site. They’re included under the specific crop.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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