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Research and IPM

Grants Programs: UC IPM - UC SAREP Educational Events

Through a joint mini-grants program, UC IPM and the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP) support educational programs, including workshops, field days, symposia, seminars, and other educational events.

Funded projects in integrated pest management, 2001-2002

Noxious Weeds Management Workshop. Date: October 24, 2001. Location: Lompoc, Calif. David Chang, Santa Barbara County Agricultural Commissioner's Office, (805) 681-5600. $900. Final report

Urban Rodent Summit. Date: February 27, 2002. Location: Presidio of San Francisco, National Park Service. Bruce Badzik, National Park Service, (415) 561-4831. $1,500. Final report.

UC SAREP-funded projects

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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