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Annual Reports1999Competitive Grants
Research Funded in 1999-2000 Research That Ended in 1998-99
Applied Field Ecology Application of UV-absorbing plastic film for pest control in greenhouse grown crops. H. S. Costa, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 3; $24,391) Augmentation and validation of a thermal death database to predict efficacy of soil solarization in California. J. J. Stapleton, UC IPM Project, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; T. S. Prather, UC IPM Project, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; C. L. Elmore, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science Program, UC Davis: M. V. McKenry, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 2; $24,859) The development of a marking method for assessing field survival and dispersal of Aphytis melinus and other augmentative biological control agents. J. G. Morse, Entomology, UC Riverside; R. F. Luck, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 2; $19,000) The effects of vineyard cultural practices on grape mealybug and its natural enemies. K. M. Daane, Biological Control, UC Berkeley/Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier. (Year 2 of 2; $26,960) Integrating crop competitiveness with herbicide applications to improve weed control and reduce herbicide use. T. C. Foin, Environmental Studies, UC Davis; J. E. Hill, Agronomy and Range, UC Davis. (Year 3 of 3; $27,052) Pruning for control of Pierce's disease. A. H. Purcell, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley. (Year 2 of 2; $11,821) Role of egg-parasitizing fungal communities in soil suppressiveness against Heterodera schachtii. J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $19,672) Spatial distribution and water relations of Armillaria mellea in pear orchards. D. M. Rizzo, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; K. A. Shackel, Pomology, UC Davis. (Year 3 of 3; $16,622) Biological Control Biological control of giant whitefly. T. S. Bellows, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $21,065) Biological control of the redgum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, a new pest on ornamental Eucalyptus spp. in California. D. L. Dahlsten, Biological Control, UC Berkeley. (Year 1 of 3; $25,445) Enhancing biological control of diseases and frost damage by combining antagonistic bacteria with penetrating surfactants. S. E. Lindow, Plant and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley. (Year 3 of 3; $21,044) Life cycle and population dynamics of Pasteuria sp., a host-specific parasite of the sting nematode. J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $34,474) Prune aphids in California: Introduction of parasitoids and quantification of predation. N. J. Mills, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley. (Year 1 of 3; $24,143) Biorational Use of Biotic Agents or Chemicals Potential for nontarget impacts from Trichogramma platneri augmentation against codling moth in walnuts in California. N. J. Mills, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley. (Year 2 of 2; $24,923) Synergism of imidacloprid and entomopathogenic nematodes: A novel approach to white grub control in turfgrass. H. K. Kaya, Nematology, UC Davis; M. Koppenhsfer, Nematology, UC Davis. (Year 3 of 3; $18,773) Cultural Control Biological control of a newly introduced pest, the eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Trachy-mela sloanei. J. G. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside; T. D. Paine, Entomology, UC Riverside; M. Hoddle, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 2; $32,354) Cultural practices for management of Verticillium wilt of strawberry in California. J. M. Duniway, Plant Pathology, UC Davis. (Year 2 of 3; $32,220) Baits for ant control in citrus, grapes, and almonds. J. Klotz, Entomology, UC Riverside; M. Rust, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 1; $32,000) Cultural control measures for management of Belding's ground squirrels. D. Whisson, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis; S. Orloff, UC Coop. Ext. Siskiyou County; D. Lancaster, UC Coop. Ext. Modoc County; D. Putnam, Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis. (Year 3 of 3; $9,600) Determining seed bank levels in citrus orchards: A basis for designing a weed control program. T. S. Prather, UC IPM Project, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier. (Year 1 of 2; $9,674) Development of an integrated management strategy for root knot nematode in carrot. P. A. Roberts, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $31,091) Improved integrated management of cotton aphids in California through an understanding of cotton aphid biology and response to nitrogen fertilization. L. D. Godfrey, Entomology, UC Davis; R. Hutmacher, Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis/UC Coop. Ext. Shafter Field Station. (Year 2 of 3; $22,940) Management practices for long-term yellow starthistle control and enhanced rangeland productivity. S. Orloff, UC Coop. Ext. Siskiyou Co., J. M. DiTomaso, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science, UC Davis; D. Drake, UC Coop. Ext. Siskiyou Co. (Year 3 of 3; $15,432) Weed-resistant tomatoes. M. McGiffen, Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 3; $26,258) Decision Support An improved San Jose scale management program. W. Bentley, UC IPM Project, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; B. Grafton-Cardwell, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier. (Year 1 of 3; $31,000) Integrated use of prescribed burning and clopyralid for yellow starthistle control and optimum rangeland health. J. M. DiTomaso, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 3; $23,103) The isolation and characterization of squash bug, Anasa tristis, pheromones and the development of a management program using pheromones in mating disruption. C. G. Summers, Entomology, UC Davis/Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; J. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $16,285) Modeling of pear scab, Venturia pirina, epidemiology and disease risk using an on-site weather monitoring system. D. Gubler, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; G. McGourty, UC Coop. Ext. Mendocino Co.; R. Elkins, UC Coop. Ext. Lake Co. (Year 3 of 3; $16,600) Pheromone-based monitoring systems for major stink bug pests of agriculture in California. J. G. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 3 of 3; $30,000) Use of California EPA's pesticide use reports to quantify the impact of selected IPM programs on pesticide use. L. Epstein, Plant Pathology, UC Davis. (Year 2 of 2; $20,750)
Applied Field Ecology The use of fire to control yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.) and enhance native plant diversity. J. M. DiTomaso, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science, UC Davis. Evaluation of interactions among Russian wheat aphid, an effective parasite, and plant resistance. D. González, Entomology, UC Riverside. Ecology of Fannia spp. (Diptera: Muscidae) in poultry systems. B. A. Mullens, Entomology, UC Riverside; N. C. Hinkle, Entomology, UC Riverside. Biological Control Augmentative biological control of soft scale pests of citrus, olives, and landscape ornamentals. R. F. Luck, Entomology, UC Riverside; J. G. Morse, Entomology, UC Riverside; K, M. Daane, Biological Control, UC Berkeley/Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier. Evaluation of inoculative releases of Goniozus legneri for navel orangeworm control in almonds. K. M. Daane, Biological Control, UC Berkeley/Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier. Biorational Use of Biotic Agents or Chemicals Introduction and evaluation of parasitoids attacking aphids as a component of the developing IPM program on prunes in California. N. J. Mills, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley. Disease forecast model for controlling blackmold in tomato. M. D. Cahn, UC Coop. Ext. Sutter/Yuba counties; R. M. Davis, Plant Pathology, UC Davis. Evaluation of mass releases of two parasites of vine mealybugs, Planococcus ficus (Signoret), in the Coachella Valley. D. Gonz?lez, Entomology, UC Riverside. Cultural Control Developing damage/economic thresholds for sugarbeet cyst nematode on cole crops. B. B. Westerdahl, Nematology, UC Davis; E. P. Caswell-Chen, Nematology, UC Davis; R. F. Norris, Vegetable Crops, UC Davis. Decision Support Biology and life cycle of the sting nematode. J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside. Precision agriculture: Comparison of weed seed and previous weed populations for prediction of subsequent weed populations. W. T. Lanini, Vegetable Crops, UC Davis. Using phenology prediction to improve weed management. J. S. Holt, Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside; T. S. Prather, UC IPM Project, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier.