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Annual Reports

1998Competitive Grants

The UC Statewide IPM Project funds IPM research and implementation projects through two different competitive grant programs. The first is the IPM Project's own UC IPM Project Competitive Grants Program, which is funded through state funds given directly to the project for that purpose. Projects funded through the UC IPM Project Competitive Grants Program are generally applied research programs with a time span of 2 to 3 years. These projects are expected to result in techniques or tools that will help growers or other pest management practitioners make better decisions but often don't carry the program directly to the user. These grants are available to principal investigators who are academic members of UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

The USDA-ES Smith-Lever IPM Implementation Program funds projects designed to promote use of IPM practices by growers, homeowners, or public agencies. Often these projects can take research results learned in the UC IPM Project Competitive Grants Program to the user, frequently adapting programs to allow for regional differences. Smith-Lever funding is generally for 1 year, although grants may be renewed for a second year; at least one principal investigator in the Smith-Lever proposals must be an academic employee of UC Cooperative Extension.

UC IPM Project Competitive Grants Program, 1998

The IPM Project accepts proposals for research relating to priorities specified by its workgroups in any commodity or situation where pest management is an issue. Funded projects were submitted by UC academic staff headquartered on the three California campuses with Agricultural Experiment Stations and in the Cooperative Extension regions.

Currently, IPM workgroups focus on research in five areas:

Each IPM workgroup has established criteria and priorities for funding in its research area. Workgroup members review proposals and progress reports submitted to their workgroups for scientific merit and make recommendations to the Technical Committee. All funded proposals must meet the minimum criteria of the workgroup as well as one or more of the IPM Project's overall goals.

Each workgroup consists of up to eight individuals having expertise in the research area. Members are appointed by the Project Director for 3-year rotating terms, and each member routinely contributes several days to the peer review process. The workgroup members are selected to represent diverse pest management and production disciplines as well as the Agricultural Experiment Station on each campus and Cooperative Extension. The chair of each IPM workgroup serves on the IPM Project Technical Committee.

Workgroup evaluations and recommendations are presented to the Technical Committee in March. The Technical Committee, chaired by the Associate Director for Research, must consider the evaluations from all the workgroups and make recommendations to the Project Director. Final funding decisions are made by the Project Director.

USDA-ES Smith-Lever Competitive Grants Program, 1998

Since 1988-89, the UC IPM Project has administered the federal USDA Smith-Lever IPM Project funds given to the University to promote the implementation of IPM practices to growers, homeowners, and public agencies. Funds are given to support demonstrations, field days, and other methods of dissemination that will encourage growers and other potential users to adopt environmentally sound IPM practices. Priority is given to proposals that lead to

  • reduced pesticide use,
  • reduced pest damage,
  • reduced cost of pest control, and
  • increased effectiveness of pest control.
In general, funds are not used to develop IPM techniques, but are used to validate, implement, and evaluate newly developed or existing techniques. Funds are allocated on a competitive grant basis to Cooperative Extension specialists and farm advisors. Contact the IPM Project Director for more information on this program.

Projects funded in 1997-98 are listed at the link below.
Projects Funded for 1997-1998

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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