Annual Reports
1996Organization and Administration

Administrative staff: (top left to right) Cheryl Morris, Donna Connolly; (bottom) Theresa Kuhnt. (Photo by Mary Lou Flint)
| The Statewide IPM Project is a part of the UC Division of Agriculture and
Natural Resources. The project, headed by a director, reports to the DANR
Associate Vice President for Programs. An associate director for research
provides liaison with IPM researchers at the various UC campuses and field
stations and chairs the project's Technical Committee. The Technical Committee,
made up of the chairs of each of the project's research workgroups plus key IPM
project personnel, advises the project director on allocation of research
funds. The Technical Committee relies to a large degree on the recommendations
of the research workgroups, which represent a diversity of UC Agricultural
Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension academic staff, and solicits
advice from DANR commodity workgroups.
The project has about 30 permanent staff members. The implementation staff
includes eight area or regional IPM advisors located in county or regional
offices, including an extension IPM coordinator located at the UC Kearney
Agricultural Center in Parlier. The project's administrative office and staff
of the grants, computer systems, IPM education and publications, and pesticide
education programs are located on the Davis campus. |
Numerous advisory committees guide the programmatic areas. Composition of the
committees varies, but may include county- and campus-based UC staff, industry
representatives, and local, state, and federal agency representatives.
UC IPM directory
The UC IPM Project is funded primarily from state funds. The figures below
describe the anticipated budget for 1996-97, reflecting salary increases over
last year's budget and a $32,000 reduction due to productivity enhancements
requested by the governor. Competitive grants, contracts, and gifts from
agencies such as USDA, US EPA, California EPA, and the private sector fund
special projects and are not included in the table.
USDA Smith-Lever IPM 278,100
USDA-US EPA Pesticide Applicator 30,000
Subtotal--Federal funds 308,100
IPM Research Grants Program 769,209
Extension Staff/Support 508,560
Computers and Meteorology 258,446
Education and Publications 224,607
Pesticide Education Program 111,123
Administration 223,111
Budgetary Savings Target 110,266
Subtotal--State funds 2,205,322
TOTAL BUDGET 2,513,422
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