Web Site Is Redesigned
Welcome to our redesigned site! You'll still find the wealth of reliable,
science-based, up-to-date information that you've come to expect from UC
IPM, but now you'll have better navigation and easier-to-read screens.
We revised the site to improve our accessibility for disabled users and
new presentation technologies.
At the same time, we
- updated the look to be more compatible with the family
of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources sites.
- made it easier to find practices
that UC recommends for managing pests of landscapes and gardens;
homes, people, and pets; and agricultural crops
- created a crop-centered organization for agricultural
- added an easy-to-reach navigation bar
- added menu bars on content
pages to help you find your way to closely related information
- added a printer-friendly
version of content pages
- changed to a font that's easy to
read on the screen
Few page URLs (addresses) have changed, so your old bookmarks will still
work. The overall organization is very similar to the old site, but you'll
find a few changes, among them:
- better division between information that is ready-to-use to manage
pests, and information still in a research phase
- menus for pests of landscapes
and gardens is separate from pests of homes, people, pets,
so it's easier to
find information on your particular pest problem
- new pages about our programs.
These are in progress and more detail will be added about
our activities
We're still in the process of updating some programs and pages to the
new look, but everything should work. If you encounter problems,
please let us know. Feedback