Agricultural Pest Management Guidelines
Updated 14 crops: almond, asparagus, blueberry, cilantro and parsley, citrus, dry beans, grape, onion and garlic, pistachio, pomegranate, potato, rice
Pest Notes
Quick Tips (also in print)
New design!
- Revised 12 English titles: Aphids, Earwigs, Fleas, Gophers, Ground Squirrel, Head Lice, Lawn Insects, Leaf-Feeding Caterpillars, Psyllids, Termites, Thrips, Yellowjackets
- Revised 12 Spanish titles: Áfidos o pulgones (Aphids), Arañas comunes del jardín (Common Garden Spiders), Hormigas (Ants), Lepra o abolladura del duraznero (Peach Leaf Curl), Manejo integrado de plagas (What is IPM? ), Mantener el agua limpia (Keep Our Water Clean), Mortandad de plántulas (Damping-Off), Moscas blancas (Whiteflies), Parásitos de insectos plaga (Parasites of Insect Pests), Psílidos (Psyllids), Regar del césped (Lawn Watering), Uso y desecho seguro de pesticidas (Safe Use and Disposal of Pesticides)
UC Guide webpages (garden and landscape)
- Pests: Ant Management in Gardens and Landscapes, California Pear Sawfly, Conifer Sawflies, Cypress and Juniper Sawflies, Cypress Tipminer, Cypress Tipminer Susceptibility, European Elm Scale, Fall Webworm, Juniper Twig Girdler, Lecanium Scales, Minute Cypress Scale, Pear Sawfly (Cherryslug, Pearslug) , Raspberry Horntail, Rose Sawflies (Roseslugs) , Sawflies, Webworms
- Disorders: Chilling Injury, Lightning, Minimizing Fire Hazards in Landscapes
- Cultural practices: Conserve Water in Landscapes, Estimating Irrigation Needs, Irrigation Methods, Irrigation of Trees and Shrubs, Irrigation Scheduling Using Evapotranspiration (ET) , Protecting Trees During Construction, Recognizing Hazardous Trees, Soil Properties and Water Availability to Roots, Water Deficit and Excess
Videos and Online Training
Social Media
New webpage Natural Enemy Releases for Biological Control of Crop Pests
Revised Bee Precaution Pesticide Ratings by adding twenty new active ingredients or premixes, eighty new synergisms, and revised mode-of-action codes
New Weed Photo galleries for Italian thistle and slenderflower thistle.
New Pests, Pesticides, and IPM Project webpage about the project to increase the understanding of the complexities of pest management by the general public and encourage more adoption by practitioners in the field
Revised UC IPM Glossary