Photo by David J. Shetlar, Ohio State University
Photo by David J. Shetlar, Ohio State University

Photo by A.D. Ali
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The bermudagrass mite is extremely small and can barely be seen
with a 10X hand lens. An eriophyid mite, it has a wormlike shape
with all four legs and mouthparts at the anterior end.
Adults and nymphs suck plant juices from stems and within leaf sheaths.
They inject toxic saliva that shortens internodes and swells leaf
sheaths, forming a witches-broom growth pattern. Damage begins
in spring and is followed by dieback and browning in summer.
Monitoring information
Look for plants that are stunted or swollen. Look for mites inside
of leaf sheaths. You will need a hand lens to see them.
If bermudagrass mites are a problem, reduce nitrogen
fertilizer, mow closely,
and remove mowing clippings. This will slow down the development
of mites and physically remove most of the population.
Life cycle
For more information on lawn insects, refer to:
Pest Notes: Lawn Insects