UC IPM Home Page

Pest Monitoring


Project: Walnut PMA
Crop: Walnut
Season: 3/1/2001 to 9/30/2001
Manager: Carolyn Pickel
Observer: Walt Bentley
Observations: 4/3/2001 to 9/5/2001 (24 dates)

plot of Untreated counts
06/11/2001 [ 2nd BioFix ] 2nd BioFix
plot of Isomate counts
04/03/2001 [ Ties ] Isomate Ties (4/3 & 4/4)

plot of Isomate + TP counts
Isomate + TP
04/03/2001 [ Ties ] Isomate Ties (4/3 & 4/4)
08/04/2001 [ TP ] Trichgr. Applied by Aircraft
plot of Isomate + Confirm/Lorsban counts
Isomate + Confirm/Lorsban
04/03/2001 [ Ties ] Isomate Ties (4/3 & 4/4)
04/27/2001 [ SpCfm ] Confirm Applic

plot of Sprayable pheromone counts
Sprayable pheromone
04/05/2001 [ Sp-1 ] 1st Pheromone Applic
04/05/2001 [ Spr-1 ] 1st Pheremone Applic.
04/05/2001 [ 1st Spray ] 1st Pheromone Applic
05/10/2001 [ Sp-2 ] 2nd Pheromone Applic.
06/14/2001 [ Sp-3 ] 3rd Pheromone Application
07/20/2001 [ Sp-4 ] 4th Pheremone Applic.
6/21/2001 [1X-L2,male] Third Applic. ConsepCM 6/14/01
plot of Spray pheromone + Confirm/Lorsban counts
Spray pheromone + Confirm/Lorsban
04/05/2001 [ Sp-1 ] Spray Pheromone 1st Applic.
04/27/2001 [ SpCfm ] Confirm Applied
05/10/2001 [ Sp-2 ] Spray Pheromone 2nd Applic.
06/14/2001 [ Sp-3 ] Spray Phromone 3rd Applic.
07/20/2001 [ Sp-4 ] Spray Pheromone 4th Applic.
6/21/2001 [Spray pher + Confirm/Lorsban,1X-L2,male] Third Applic. ConsepCM 6/14/01

plot of Confirm/Lorsban counts
04/27/2001 [ Sp-1 ] Confirm Application
plot of Aerial Isomate counts
Aerial Isomate

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