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January 25, 2005 New UC publication features seasonal approach to managing pests in almondsPest management publications are often organized pest-by-pest, yet those working in the field more frequently relate to crop growth stage or season. A new leaflet from the University of California, Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds, takes a season-by-season approach to show almond growers and PCAs how to protect their crops and the environment at the same time. Starting with the dormant period, followed by bloom/post bloom, in-season, harvest, and post harvest, this handy guide outlines activities that need to be carried out throughout the year. Common pests, pest monitoring procedures, treatment thresholds, cultural practices, and treatment choices are summarized for each season. Also included are lists of environmentally friendly insecticides and broad-spectrum pesticides that pose risks to wildlife and the environment. Printed in full-color on sturdy coated paper, this guide has been designed for ease-of-use and durability in the field. Authored by UC Statewide IPM Program Advisors Carolyn Pickel and Walt Bentley, and UCCE farm advisors in Butte, Stanislaus and Kern counties, the Seasonal Guide builds on years of UC research directed at environmentally sound solutions to almond pest problems. The program summarizes practices demonstrated in a 5-year Almond Pest Management Alliance project, a public/private partnership of University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) farm advisors and area Integrated Pest Management (UC Statewide IPM Program) advisors, the Almond Board of California, the Almond Hullers and Processors Association, and DPR. A detailed, year-round IPM plan and checklist for almonds that complements the Seasonal Guide can be found on the UC IPM Web site. The Web site includes downloadable monitoring protocols, record keeping forms and treatment suggestions, as well as information on pest identification, biology, monitoring and management methods, color photos, and pest identification tips. The eight-page Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management in Almonds, UC ANR Publication 21619 is available from the University of California for $7. Call 1-800-994-8849. Quantity and reseller discounts are available. ContactsStephanie Klunk, Communications Specialist Carolyn Pickel, Entomologist Walt Bentley, Entomologist |