Competitive Research GrantsList of Funded Projects
Annual Report, 2000
Applied Field Ecology
of UV-absorbing plastic film for pest control in greenhouse-grown crops.
H. S. Costa, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 3 of 3; $25,343)
The development of a marking method for assessing field survival and
dispersal of Aphytis melinus and other augmentative biological control
agents. J. G. Morse, Entomology, UC Riverside; R. F. Luck, Entomology,
UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 2; $19,000)
management of vine decline of melons caused by Monosporascus cannonballus.
M. Stanghellini, Plant Pathology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $28,943)
effects of vineyard cultural practices on grape mealybug and its natural
enemies. K. M. Daane, Biological Control, Insect Biology, UC Berkeley.
(Year 1 of 1; $26,899)
cultural control methods with rice growth to improve weed control and
reduce herbicide use. T. C. Foin, Agronomy and Range Science,
UC Davis; A. Fischer, Vegetable Crops, UC Davis; K. Gibson, Agronomy and
Range Science, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 3; $26,582)
Pruning for control of Pierce's disease. A. H. Purcell, Insect Biology, UC Berkeley. (Year 1 of 2; $21,268)
Role of egg-parasitizing fungal communities in soil suppressiveness
against Heterodera schachtii. J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 3; $20,351)
Biological Controls
Biological control of giant whitefly. Investigators: T. S. Bellows, Entomology, UC Riverside (Year 2 of 3; $22,118)
Biological control
of the red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, a new
pest on ornamental Eucalyptus spp. in California. D. L.
Dahlsten, Biological Control, UC Berkeley. (Year 2 of 3; $26,372)
dynamics of microorganisms associated with Heterodera schachtii
suppression. J. Borneman, Plant Pathology, Riverside; J. O. Becker,
Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 3; $22,077)
control of the greenhouse whitefly in strawberries on the central coast.
S. Udayagiri, UC Cooperative Extension, Santa Cruz County. (Year 1 of
2; $17,833)
Life cycle and population dynamics of Pasteuria sp., a host-specific
parasite of the sting nematode. J. O. Becker, Nematology, UC Riverside.
(Year 2 of 3; $35,735)
Prune aphids
in California: introduction of parasitoids and quantification of predation.
N. Mills, Insect Biology, UC Berkeley. (Year 2 of 3; $24,525)
Biorational Use of Biotic Agents or Chemicals
mating disruption strategies for codling moth in walnuts. S. C.
Welter, Insect Biology, UC Berkeley. (Year 1 of 3; $33,898)
Cultural Controls
and carbon dioxide fumigation for postharvest control of insects and mites
on strawberry fruit. E. Mitcham, Pomology, UC Davis. (Year 1 of
1; $14,162)
combination of soil solarization and biofumigation for the control of
root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). A. T. Ploeg, Nematology,
UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 2; $18,665)
Biological control of a newly introduced pest, the eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Trachymela sloanei. J. G. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside; T.
D. Paine, Entomology, UC Riverside; M. Hoddle, Entomology, UC Riverside.
(Year 2 of 3; $33,627)
Cultural practices
for management of Verticillium wilt of strawberry in California.
J. M. Duniway, Plant Pathology, UC Davis. (Year 3 of 3; $33,035)
Determining seed bank levels in citrus orchards: a basis for designing a
weed control program. T. S. Prather, UC IPM Project, Kearney
Agricultural Center, Parlier. (Year 2 of 2; $8,950)
of an integrated management strategy for root-knot nematode in carrot.
P. A. Roberts, Nematology, UC Riverside. (Year 2 of 3; $32,254)
management practices for long-term yellow starthistle control in established
perennial grasslands. S. B. Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension,
Siskiyou County; D. Drake, UC Cooperative Extension, Siskiyou County;
K. W. Tate, Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 2; $24,630)
Improved integrated management of cotton aphids in California through an understanding of cotton aphid biology and response to nitrogen fertilization. L. D. Godfrey, Entomology, UC Davis; R. Hutmacher, Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis/UC Cooperative Extension, Shafter Field Station. (Year 3 of 3; $23,940)
management in alfalfa via sheep grazing. E. T. Natwick, UC Cooperative
Extension, Imperial County; J. Guerrero, UC Cooperative Extension, Imperial
County. (Year 1 of 2; $20,344)
Decision Supports
of thresholds for twospotted spider mite on greenhouse-grown bent cane
cut roses. M. P. Parrella, Entomology, UC Davis; J. H. Lieth,
Environmental Horticulture, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 1; $10,620)
injury levels, within plant vertical distribution, population dynamics,
and sampling technique for tetranychid mites on corn. L. D. Godfrey,
Entomology, UC Davis; J. J. Cisneros, Entomology, UC Davis. (Year 1 of
3; $31,645)
Integrated use of prescribed burning and clopyralid for yellow starthistle control and optimum rangeland health. J. M. DiTomaso, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science, UC Davis. (Year 2 of 3; $23,410)
sampling methods for major stink bug pests of California agriculture.
J. G. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside. (Year 1 of 1; $31,757)
The isolation
and characterization of squash bug, Anasa tristis, pheromones and
the development of a management program using pheromones in mating disruption.
C. G. Summers, Entomology, UC Davis/Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier.
(Year 2 of 3; $20,350)
runoff from orchards: multi-scale field measurements and modeling.
W. W. Wallender, Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 1;
nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) management systems for field-grown
cut flowers. C. Wilen, UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego County;
R. Smith, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey County; C. L. Elmore, Vegetable
Crops, UC Davis. (Year 1 of 2; $12,298)

THAT ENDED IN 1999-2000
Applied Field Ecology
and validation of a thermal death database to predict efficacy of soil
solarization in California. J. J. Stapleton, UC IPM Project, Kearney
Agricultural Center, Parlier.
The effects of vineyard cultural practices on grape mealybug and its
natural enemies. K. M. Daane, Biological Control, UC Berkeley/Kearney
Agricultural Center, Parlier.
Integrating crop competitiveness with herbicide applications to improve
weed control and reduce herbicide use. T. C. Foin, Environmental
Studies, UC Davis; J. E. Hill, Agronomy and Range, UC Davis.
for control of Pierce's disease. A. H. Purcell, Insect Biology,
UC Berkeley.
Spatial distribution and water relations of Armillaria mellea in pear
orchards. D. M. Rizzo, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; K. A. Shackel,
Pomology, UC Davis.
Biological Controls
Enhancing biological control of diseases and frost damage by combining
antagonistic bacteria with penetrating surfactants. S. E. Lindow, Plant
and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley.
Biorational Use of Biotic Agents or Chemicals
Potential for
nontarget impacts from Trichogramma platneri augmentation against
codling moth in walnuts in California. N. J. Mills, Insect Biology,
UC Berkeley.
Synergism of imidacloprid and entomopathogenic nematodes: A novel
approach to white grub control in turfgrass. H. K. Kaya, Nematology, UC
Davis; M. Koppenhsfer, Nematology, UC Davis.
Cultural Controls
Cultural control
measures for management of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus
beldingi) in alfalfa. D. Whisson, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation
Biology, UC Davis.
Management practices
for long-term yellow starthistle control and enhanced rangeland productivity.
S. Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension, Siskiyou Co., J. M. DiTomaso, Vegetable
Crops/Weed Science, UC Davis; D. J. Drake, UC Cooperative Extension, Siskiyou
Weed-resistant tomatoes. M. E. McGiffen, Botany and Plant Sciences,
UC Riverside.
Decision Support
An improved San
Jose management program. W. Bentley, Kearney Agricultural Center;
B. Grafton-Cardwell, Kearney Agricultural Center.
Modeling of
pear scab, Venturia pirina, epidemiology and disease risk using
an on-site weather monitoring system. W. D. Gubler, Plant Pathology,
UC Davis.
Pheromone-based monitoring systems for major stink bug pests of
agriculture in California. J. G. Millar, Entomology, UC Riverside.
Use of California
EPA's pesticide use reports to quantify the impact of selected IPM programs
on pesticide use. L. E. Epstein, Plant Pathology, UC Davis.

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