![]() Research and IPMModels: Diseases
Crop: CeleryDisease: Septoria Late Blight
Model 1 of 3 |
Lacy, M. L. 1994. Influence of leaf wetness periods on infection of celery by Septoria apiicola and use in timing sprays for control. Plant Dis. 78:975-979.
Within crop row at a height of 0.3 m.
Environmental: Leaf wetness duration.
The prediction of infection risk is based on twelve hours or longer of leaf wetness.
According to the model, initiate the first treatment after 12 or more hours of continuous leaf wetness. The timing of subsequent treatments is also based on 12 or more hours of leaf wetness, after a minimum of a seven-day spray interval.
Lacy, M. L. 1994. Influence of leaf wetness periods on infection of celery by Septoria apiicola and use in timing sprays for control. Plant Dis. 78:975-979.
The model is still in validation phase.
The original model does not include temperature as an input variable, because temperature is not a limiting factor in disease development in Michigan, where the model was developed. However, temperature could possibly be a factor in other locations if temperatures below 10C or above 30C are experienced.
Mathieu, D. and A. C. Kushalappa. 1993. Effects of temperature and leaf wetness duration on the infection of celery by Septoria apiicola. Phytopathology 83:1036-1040.
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Model 2 of 3 |
Mathieu, D., and A. C. Kushalappa. 1993. Effects of temperature and leaf wetness duration on the infection of celery by Septoria apiicola. Phytopathology 83:1036-1040.
Not specified.
Environmental: Air temperature, leaf wetness duration.
The model predicts the proportion of the maximum number of lesions (PML) as a function of duration of leaf wetness and temperature during wet periods. Disease severity values (DSVs) were then calculated from predicted PML values using cluster analysis. Accumulation of DSVs begins when celery transplants have recovered from transplant shock. After canopy closure, accumulation of DSVs ends, and the model reverts to a weekly application of treatments.
DSV action threshold has not been developed for this model. After canopy closure, the model reverts to a weekly application of treatments.
Not known.
Not known.
This model needs to be validated in the field and action thresholds need to be determined.
Development of a forecasting model to initiate fungicide applications; incorporation of interrupted leaf wetness and high relative humidity into the model.
Mudita I. W., and A. C. Kushalappa 1993. Ineffectiveness of the first fungicide application at different initial disease incidence levels to manage Septoria blight in celery. Phytopathology 77: 1081-1084.
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Model 3 of 3
Modifications by Campbell Soup Company.
Pitblado, R. E. 1992. The development and implementation of TOM-CAST: A weather-timed fungicide spray program for field tomatoes. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ontario, Canada.
Madden L., Pennypacker, S. P., and McNab, A. A. 1978. FAST, a forecast system for Alternaria solani on tomato. Phytopathology 68:1354-1358.
Within canopy.
Environmental: Air temperature, leaf wetness duration.
Calculated: Mean air temperature during the leaf wetness period.
Disease severity values (DSV) are calculated as a function of hours of leaf wetness and average air temperature during leaf wetness. The DSV is based on the FAST early blight model of tomato. After treatment the DSV accumulations reset to zero.
According to the model, initiate first treatment when 25 DSVs have accumulated. Subsequent treatments should occur each time 25 DSVs have accumulated.
The model is being validated by Phil Phillips of the University of California, in Santa Barbara Co., Ventura Co., and by Campbell Soup Company in Sacramento Co.
Bolkan, H. A., and Reinert, W. R. 1994. Developing and implementing IPM strategies to assist farmers: an industry approach. Plant Dis. 78:545-550.