Natural enemies gallery
Natural enemies are organisms that kill, decrease the reproductive potential of, or otherwise reduce the numbers of another organism. Natural enemies that limit pests are key components of integrated pest management programs. Important natural enemies of insect and mite pests include predators, parasitoids (parasites), and pathogens.
The UC IPM Natural Enemies Gallery includes natural enemy species commonly found on California farms and in landscapes. Additional species will be added over time.
For more information about natural enemies, purchase the Natural Enemies Handbook.
Predators | Parasitoids | Weed herbivores | List by order and family name | List by scientific name | List by pest
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A predator is an organism that attacks, kills, and feeds on several to many other individuals (its prey) during its lifetime.
Common name | Scientific name |
Aphid flies | Chamaemyiidae family |
Aphid midge | Aphidoletes aphidimyza |
Ashy gray lady beetle (ladybug) | Olla v-nigrum =O. abdominalis |
Assassin bugs | Reduviidae family |
Bigeyed bugs | Geocoridae family |
Brown lacewings | Hemerobiidae family |
Convergent lady beetle (ladybug) | Hippodamia convergens |
Damsel bugs | Nabis spp. |
Decollate snail | Rumina decollata |
Dustywings | Coniopterygidae family |
Euseius predatory mites | Euseius spp. |
Fungus-feeding lady beetles (ladybugs) | Psyllobora vigintimaculata and other Psyllobora spp. |
Green lacewings | Chrysopidae family |
Lady beetle (ladybug) | Axion plagiatum |
Lady beetle (ladybug) | Chilocorus bipustulatus |
Lady beetle (ladybug) | Chilocorus kuwanae |
Lady beetle (ladybug) | Clitostethus arcuatus |
Lady beetles (ladybugs) | Delphastus catalinae and other Delphastus spp. |
Lady beetles (ladybugs) | Rhyzobius (=Rhizobius) forestieri and R. lophanthae |
Mantids | Mantidae family |
Mealybug destroyer | Cryptolaemus montrouzieri |
Minute pirate bugs | Anthocoridae family |
Mite midges | Feltiella spp. |
Multicolored Asian lady beetle (ladybug) | Harmonia axyridis |
Phytoseiulus predatory mites | Phytoseiulus spp. |
Pink spotted lady beetle (ladybug) | Coleomegilla maculata |
Polished lady beetle (ladybug) | Cycloneda munda |
Praying mantises | Mantidae family |
Predaceous ground beetles | Carabidae family |
Predatory thrips | Aeolothrips spp. |
Predatory thrips | Franklinothrips orizabensis and F. vespiformis |
Rough stink bugs | Brochymena sulcata and other Brochymena spp. |
Sevenspotted lady beetle (ladybug) | Coccinella septempunctata |
Sixspotted thrips | Scolothrips sexmaculatus |
Soldier beetles | Cantharidae family |
Spider mite destroyer lady beetle (ladybug) | Stethorus picipes |
Spider mite rove beetle | Oligota oviformis |
Spiders | Araneae order |
Spined soldier bug | Podisus maculiventris |
Spotless lady beetle (ladybug) | Cycloneda sanguinea |
Steelblue lady beetle (ladybug) | Halmus chalybeus |
Syrphid flies | Syrphidae family |
Twicestabbed lady beetle (ladybug) | Chilocorus orbus |
Twospotted lady beetle (ladybug) | Adalia bipunctata |
Twospotted stink bug | Perillus bioculatus |
Vedalia beetle | Novius (=Rodolia) cardinalis |
Western blood-red lady beetle (ladybug) | Cycloneda polita |
Western predatory mite | Galendromus occidentalis |
Whirligig mites, predatory mites | Anystis agilis and A. baccarum |
Insect parasitoids (parasites)
Larval stages of insect parasitoids feed on or inside of other insects, killing their hosts. Adults are free-living wasps or flies.
Common name | Scientific name |
Alfalfa caterpillar Cotesia parasitoid | Cotesia (=Apanteles) medicaginis |
Anaphes egg parasitoids | Anaphes iole, Anaphes nitens, and other Anaphes spp. |
Aphid Aphidius parasitoids | Aphidius colemani, A. ervi, A. matricariae, and other Aphidius spp. |
Aphid Diaeretiella parasitoid | Diaeretiella rapae |
Aphid Lysiphlebus parasitoid | Lysiphlebus testaceipes |
Armored scale Encarsia parasitoid | Encarsia perniciosi |
Ash whitefly Encarsia parasitoid | Encarsia inaron =E. partenopea |
Asian citrus psyllid Tamarixia parasitoid | Tamarixia radiata |
Bluegum psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid | Psyllaephagus pilosus |
California red scale Aphytis parasitoid | Aphytis melinus |
California red scale Comperiella parasitoid | Comperiella bifasciata |
Caterpillar Copidosoma parasitoids | Copidosoma (=Copidosomopsis =Pentalitomastix) plethoricum =C. plethorica, C. truncatellum, and other Copidosoma spp. |
Caterpillar Goniozus parasitoids | Goniozus legneri and other Goniozus spp. |
Caterpillar Hyposoter parasitoid | Hyposoter exiguae |
Cottony cushion scale Cryptochaetum parasitoid | Cryptochaetum iceryae |
Elm leaf beetle Erynniopsis parasitoid | Erynniopsis antennata |
Elm leaf beetle Oomyzus parasitoid | Oomyzus (=Tetrastichus) gallerucae |
Giant whitefly parasitoids | Encarsia (=Encarsiella) noyesi, Entedononecremnus krauteri, and Idioporus affinis |
Glassy-winged sharpshooter Cosmocomoidea parasitoids | Cosmocomoidea (=Gonatocerus) ashmeadi and other Cosmocomoidea spp. |
Goldspotted oak borer Calosota parasitoid | Calosota elongata |
Grape leaffolder Habrobracon parasitoid | Habrobracon (=Bracon) cushmani |
Greenhouse thrips Thripoctenus parasitoid | Thripoctenus javae =Thripobius semiluteus |
Leafhopper Anagrus parasitoids | Anagrus daanei, A. epos, A. erythroneurae, and other Anagrus spp. |
Leafminer Diglyphus parasitoids | Diglyphus begini, D. isaea, and other Diglyphus spp. |
Mealybug Acerophagus parasitoids | Acerophagus (=Pseudaphycus) notativentris, A. maculipennis, and other Acerophagus spp. |
Mealybug Anagyrus parasitoids | Anagyrus fusciventris, A. kamali, A. pseudococci, and other Anagyrus spp. |
Mealybug Leptomastix parasitoid | Leptomastix dactylopii |
Purple scale Aphytis parasitoid | Aphytis lepidosaphes |
Redgum lerp psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid | Psyllaephagus bliteus |
San Jose scale Aphytis parasitoid | Aphytis aonidiae |
Scale insect Metaphycus parasitoids | Metaphycus flavus, M. luteolus, M. helvolus, and other Metaphycus spp. |
Scale insects Coccophagus parasitoid | Coccophagus lycimnia =C. lecanii |
Stink bug Trissolcus parasitoids | Trissolcus basalis, T. euschisti, and other Trissolcus species |
Tachinid flies | Erynnia, Erynniopsis, Trichopoda, and Voria species and other Tachinidae |
Trichogramma parasitoids | Trichogramma spp. |
True bug Trichopoda parasitoid | Trichopoda pennipes |
Walnut aphid Trioxys parasitoid | Trioxys pallidus |
Western flower thrips Ceranisus parasitoid | Ceranisus menes |
Whitefly Cales parasitoid | Cales noacki |
Whitefly Encarsia formosa parasitoid | Encarsia formosa |
Whitefly Encarsia pergandiella parasitoid | Encarsia pergandiella |
Woolly whitefly Amitus parasitoid | Amitus spiniferus |
Weed herbivores
Adult or larval stages or both of invertebrate weed herbivores feed on or inside of undesirable plants (weeds). They kill their hosts, reduce weeds' reproductive capacity (e.g., seed production), or both.
Common name | Scientific name |
Cochineal scales of prickly pear cacti | Dactylopius spp. |
Klamathweed beetle | Chrysolina quadrigemina |
Puncturevine weevils | Microlarinus lareynii and M. lypriformis |
Tamarisk beetles | Diorhabda elongata and other Diorhabda spp. |