Agricultural Pest Management Guidelines
Pest Notes
- New titles:
- Revised 10 titles:
Quick Tips (also in print)
- Updated 12 English titles:
UC Guide webpages (garden and landscape)
- artichokes, asparagus, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, onions and garlic, peas, peppers, potato, pumpkins, spinach, squash, tomato, watermelon
- Pests:
- Adelgids
- Agave and Yucca Weevils
- Black Vine Weevil
- Bronze Birch Borer
- Brown Soft Scale
- Buffalo Treehopper
- Calico Scale
- Cicadas
- Conifer Bark and Twig Weevils
- Cuban Laurel Thrips and Weeping Fig Thrips
- Cycad Scale
- Diaprepes Root Weevil
- Distinguishing Among Sucking Insects that Resemble Each Other
- Euonymus Scale
- Ficus Gall Wasp
- Filbert Weevils and Filbertworm
- Flatheaded Alder Borer
- Fuchsia Gall Mite
- Fuller Rose Beetle
- Giant Palm Borer
- Giant Palm Weevils
- Greedy Scale
- Green Shield Scale
- Jerusalem Cricket
- Klamathweed Beetle
- Leafcutting Bees
- Oak Ambrosia Beetles
- Oleander Scale
- Oystershell Scale
- Pear Rust Mite
- Pit Scales
- Planthoppers
- Rose Curculios
- San Jose Scale
- Scale Insects
- Oak Ribbed Casemaker
- Oak Twig Girdler
- Pacific Flatheaded Borer
- Pillbugs and Sowbugs
- Pine Tip Moths
- Relative Susceptibility of Pines in California to the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth
- Shield Bearers
- Spittlebugs
- Stink Bugs
- Susceptibility of Fuchsia Species or Cultivars to Fuchsia Gall Mite Damage in California
- Treehoppers
- Diseases and Disorders:
- Azalea Petal Blight and Rhododendron Petal Blight
- Botrytis Blight, or Gray Mold
- Drippy Acorn Disease
- Weeds: Algae, Lichens, and Mosses
Videos and Online Courses
- YouTube: @UCIPM
- Agricultural IPM:
- New: Soil Sampling for Nematodes in Walnut and Almond Orchards
- UC Ag Experts Talk webinar series recordings:
- Air Blast Sprayer Calibration
- An Update on Current Research on Pollinator Health
- Argentine Ant Management in Citrus
- Avocado Thrips—Invasion Biology and Management
- Citricola Scale
- Diseases of Citrus
- Evaluation of Soil Salinity, and Soil, Plant Tissue, and Water Reports
- Gibberellic Acid use on Avocado to Improve Fruit Set
- Ground Squirrel and Pocket Gopher Management in Orchard Crops
- Invasive Shot Hole Borers in Avocado
- Pesticide Resistance Management of Citrus Pests
- Use of Plant Growth Regulators on Citrus
- Using Vegetables as a Case Study for Implementing IPM
- What’s in Your Orchard: Protecting California from Invasive Species
- Citrus Research Board and UC IPM webinar series recordings:
- New Cultivars for California’s Diverse Growing Regions
- California Citrus Water Update
- California Citrus IPM Update
- Update of Pesticide Laws and Regulations
- Urban and Community IPM:
- Monitoring and Sampling Trees for Invasive Shot Hole Borers
- New Online Courses:
Social Media