A well-prepared seedbed is essential for the establishment of grasses.
Purchase a high-quality seed and prepare
the soil for planting. When the soil has been properly prepared, spread
the seed at the appropriate time and rate
for your species.
to spread seed
- Measure the area to be planted and determine the total amount of seed
- Divide the total amount of seed in half.
- Sow half of the seed following a vertical pathway and sow the remaining
half horizontally as shown at right.
- Spread seed with a drop, broadcast, or handheld spreader.
- At low seeding rates, sawdust, sand, or other suitable material mixed
with the seed aids in obtaining uniform coverage.
- Cover seed to a depth of 1/16 to 1/8 inch by raking it in and lightly
rolling or firming the soil.
- The finished seedbed should have shallow uniform depressions about
1/2 inch deep and 1 - 2 inches apart.
- For summer turf establishment, a thin layer of mulch (no more than
1/4 inch thick) can be spread over the seeds with a peat spreader to
protect the seeds and keep the soil moist.
- Keep the soil moist during the germination period (usually 1 - 2
weeks) by applying frequent, but light, irrigations.
Large lawns or hard-to-reach areas may be better hydroseeded.
Pattern for sowing seed