UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Vegetables > Invertebrates
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Carrot rust fly—Psila rosae
The larval forms of the rust fly are stiff white maggots about 0.33 inch long. Adults are small flies.
Carrot rust fly larvae cause surface tunnels in roots. Tunnels are filled with a rusty mush and the stiff
white maggots. There are no aboveground symptoms.
Plant carrots to avoid the egg-laying periods of the fly. In cold areas, plant in early summer. In more
mild areas, plant in late winter or late summer. Covering seedbeds with row
cover or individual plants
with protective cones may help prevent infestations. Harvest carrots as soon as possible and in blocks
rather than selectively. Before using carrots, peel off damaged areas. Do not store carrots in ground
through winter. Carrot rust fly also attacks parsley, celery, and other related plants. Remove these sources
of infestation also.
rust fly adult
in taproots caused by larvae