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Lilac, Japanese Tree Lilac
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Syringa, Lilac, Japanese tree lilac—Syringa spp.
Family Oleaceae (Olive family)
Plant identification
The best known Syringa spp. is the
common lilac, Syringa vulgaris, with its fragrant,
old-fashioned flower clusters in shades of lavender, pink,
purple, and white. Japanese tree lilac is a larger species
that can become a small tree growing to a height of 30 feet.
Optimum conditions for growth
Lilacs grow best where there is a pronounced
winter chilling. Some varieties will bloom with only little
chilling. In inland valleys, they do best with light shade
and protection from reflected heat. In other areas, plant
in full sun. All lilacs prefer alkaline soils and good drainage.
Provide water during bloom and heavy growth periods.
Pests and disorders of Syringa spp.
Diseases (continued)
Environmental disorders