
Predatory Thrips (Natural Enemies)

On this page
  • Banded thrips
  • Black hunter thrips
  • Sixspotted thrips
  • Franklinothrips orizabensis

Names link to more information on identification and biology.

Beneficial predatory thrips

Banded thrips, Aeolothrips fasciatus
Banded thrips, Aeolothrips fasciatus, adult
Identification tip: This predatory thrips is black with three broad white bands on each forewing. It feeds on other thrips and pests, such as mites and whiteflies.

Black hunter thrips, Leptothrips mali
Black hunter thrips, Leptothrips mali, adult
Identification tip: This species is dark brown or black and adults have white wings. It preys on mites and certain other pests, such as scales, and is more active than similar-looking adult greenhouse thrips.

Sixspotted thrips
Sixspotted thrips adult
Identification tip: There are three dark blotches on each forewing of this mite predator.

Franklinothrips orizabensis adult
Franklinothrips sp. adult
Identification tip: Franklinothrips orizabensis and F. vespiformis are predators of avocado thrips, persea mite, and other pests such as avocado lace bug. F. orizabensis is more common in avocado groves, but these Franklinothrips cannot be reliably distinguished in the field.

Franklinothrips orizabensis larva
Franklinothrips sp. larva
Identification tip: In comparison with avocado thrips larvae, this second-instar predatory thrips has a more oval shape and is darker yellow with an orange or red swollen abdomen that appears as a colored dot to the naked eye.


Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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