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Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Second Edition
Integrated Pest Management for Apples and Pears

Published 1999 · Publication 3340 · 232 pages

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List of contents

Cover of Integrated Pest Management for Apples and Pears.

The second edition of Integrated Pest Management for Apples and Pears, published in August 1999, offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on the management of pests in apples and pears. Written in the same easy-to-read format as the 1991 edition, this manual draws on the expertise of more than 70 University of California researchers, Cooperative Extension specialists, farm advisors, and pest control professionals.

What's New

New in the second edition are:

  • a detailed index
  • a completely revised section on codling moth management with detailed information on mating disruption
  • revision of leafroller management practices
  • updates on oak root fungus
  • additions of wild asparagus and biological control of fire blight
  • new control strategies for pear psylla

Indispensable Guide

This 232-page book is an indispensable guide for:

  • establishing a pest management program
  • diagnosing pest problems
  • determining when control actions are needed
  • identifying and preventing vertebrate damage
  • identifying and using beneficial organisms
  • using biological control and other nonchemical methods
  • establishing new orchards
  • understanding how cultural practices affect pest problems

Outstanding Photographs, Drawings, and Tables

More than 200 outstanding color photographs and 100 black and white photos and drawings help the reader identify, monitor, and manage more than 100 different pest problems, including insects, mites, diseases, nematodes, disorders, nutrient deficiencies, weeds, and vertebrate pests. A special sequence of color photos shows the bloom stages of both apples and pears. In addition to the outstanding photographs, the line drawings and tables cover such topics as:

  • susceptibility of major apple and pear rootstocks to several disorders
  • susceptibility of European and Asian pear varieties to pests
  • susceptibility of major apple varieties to diseases
  • frost protection
  • water management guidelines
  • fertilizer recommendations
  • properties of narrow range oils
  • the importance of dormant and delayed dormant treatments
  • monitoring supplies and forms
  • codling moth phenology model and spray schedule
  • comparison of leafroller larvae and adults
  • pear psylla predators and parasites
  • scab management techniques
  • fire blight management
  • soil fumigation chart
  • survey form for weeds

Beautifully Illustrated

"Beautifully illustrated....the color plates are worth the price alone!"
--CAPCA Newsletter

"Written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms..."
--Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

How to order

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It is also available by mail, by telephone, or through the ANR sales offices and many UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For locations and more information, see "How to Order Publications."

List of Contents

Integrated Pest Management for Apples and Pears
  • Climate ·  California Growing Regions (North Coast · Central Coast · Central Valley · Sierra Foothills · Southern California Mountains) · About This Manual
The Pome Fruit Tree: Development and Growth Requirements
  • The Nonbearing Years · The Seasonal Cycle of Bearing Trees (Dormancy · Growing season) · Growth Requirements
Managing Pests in Apples and Pears
  • Pest Identification · Monitoring (Monitoring Pests · Monitoring Weather · Accumulating Degree-Days) · Control Action Guidelines (Management Methods · Site Selection and Preparation · Rootstock and Variety Selection · Planting and Managing a New Orchard · Replanting in an Established Orchard · Frost Protection · Water Management · Fertilization · Ground Covers · Fruit Thinning · Preharvest Drop · Harvesting · Pruning · Sanitation · Biological Control · Pesticides · Organic Production of Pome Fruit)
  • Organically Acceptable Vertebrate Control · Pocket Gophers · Meadow Mice · Mule Deer and Black-tailed Deer · Jackrabbits · Porcupines · California Ground Squirrels · Birds
Insects and Mites
  • Monitoring Insects and Mites (Monitoring Methods) · Prevention and Management (Cultural Practices · Biological Control · Insecticides and Miticides · Pesticide Treatments) · Codling Moth  ·  Other Caterpillars (Early-Season Monitoring for Caterpillars · Midseason Monitoring for Caterpillars) · Leafrollers (Orange Tortrix · Apple Pandemis · Obliquebanded Leafroller · Fruittree Leafroller · Omnivorous Leafroller · Western Tussock Moth · Speckled Green Fruitworm and Humped Green Fruitworm) · Leafminers  · Miscellaneous Caterpillars  · Pear Psylla  · Mites (European Red Mite · Webspinning Mites · Brown Mite · Rust Mites · Pearleaf Blister Mite · Management Guidelines for Mites in Apple and Pear Orchards)  · Aphids (Rosy Apple Aphid · Green Apple Aphid · Woolly Apple Aphid · Green Peach Aphid, Melon or Cotton Aphid, Bean Aphid) · Scales (San Jose Scale · Italian Pear Scale · European Fruit Lecanium) · Grape Mealybug, Obscure Mealybug  · White Apple Leafhopper, Rose Leafhopper  · Plant Bugs (Consperse Stink Bug · Conchuela · Redshouldered Plant Bug · Lygus Bugs · Boxelder Bug · Leaffooted Plant Bug) · Sawflies (California Pear Sawfly · Pear Sawfly)  · Apple Maggot  · Miscellaneous Insect Pests (Thrips · Wood Borers · Grasshoppers · Earwigs · Cribrate Weevil)
  • Major Diseases of Apple · Major Diseases of Pear  · Monitoring and Diagnosis of Diseases  · Prevention and Management  · Chemical Treatments  · Root and Crown Rot Diseases (Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot · Dematophora Root Rot · Oak Root Fungus · Southern Blight · Crown Gall, Hairy Root)  · Trunk and Branch Diseases (European Canker · Sappy Bark) · Diseases of Twigs, Leaves, Blossoms, and Fruit (Apple Scab and Pear Scab · Fire Blight · Pear Decline · Powdery Mildew · Bacterial Blossom Blast)  · Virus and Viruslike Diseases (Stony Pit of Pear · Apple Mosaic · Pear Vein Yellows · Other Virus and Viruslike Diseases) · Abiotic Diseases (Bitter Pit · Storage Scald · Watercore · Black End · Sunburn or Sunscald · Frost Injury · Burr Knot · Apple Measles · Soil Salinity) · Nutrient Deficiencies (Boron · Copper · Iron · Magnesium · Manganese · Nitrogen · Phosphorus · Potassium · Zinc) · Herbicide Symptoms (Oryzalin or Surflan · Phenoxy Herbicides or 2,4-D · Glyphosate or Roundup · Paraquat or Gramoxone Extra · Simazine or Princep · Diuron or Karmex · Dichlobenil or Casoron · Norflurazon or Solicam)
  • Root Lesion Nematodes · Root Knot Nematodes · Dagger Nematode ·  Damage · Management Guidelines (Establishing an Orchard · Cultural Practices in an Established Orchard)
  • Ground Covers · Growth Habits ·  Management Guidelines (Site Preparation · Young Orchards · Management in Established Orchards · Use of Herbicides · Monitoring) · Perennials--Grasses (Johnsongrass · Dallisgrass · Bermudagrass · Nutsedges) · Perennials--Broadleaves (Field Bindweed · Hoary Cress · Curly Dock · Buckhorn Plantain · Dandelion · Asparagus · Other Broadleaf Perennials) · Biennials--Broadleaves (Little Mallow · Bristly Oxtongue) · Annuals--Broadleaves

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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