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Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Integrated Pest Management for Alfalfa Hay

Published 1981 · Publication 3312 · 98 pages

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List of contents

Cover of the book, Integrated Pest Management for Alfalfa.

The book is clearly and concisely written for pest management professionals and growers. The first of the extensive University of California IPM manual series, IPM for Alfalfa Hay presents an ecological approach for the management of the crop and pest insects, weeds, vertebrates, pathogens, and abiotic disorders.

More than 30 University of California researchers, Cooperative Extension specialists, farm advisors, and pest control professionals contributed to this volume.

Two hundred high quality color photographs of pests and damage, plus dozens of black-and-white drawings and photos, make this the best illustrated pest management reference on alfalfa available.

Outstanding Illustrations

The book includes fully illustrated sections on the following topics:

  • An overview of IPM in alfalfa hay
  • the alfalfa plant: growth requirements and development
  • management techniques, including field monitoring, control action guidelines, and general management methods
  • vertebrate pests, including pocket gophers, ground squirrels, meadow mice, hares, rabbits, and deer
  • insects and other arthropods, including alfalfa weevil, Egyptian alfalfa weevil, pea aphid, blue alfalfa aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, alfalfa caterpillar, beet armyworm, western yellowstriped armyworm, cutworms, and other arthropods
  • plant diseases, including common leaf spot, Stemphylium, spring black stem, downy mildew, Stagonospora crown and root rot, Phytophthora root rot, Rhizoctonia root and stem canker, southern anthracnose, bacterial wilt, alfalfa mosaic virus, rust, dwarf, Sclerotina rot, Fusarium wilt, Phymatotrichum root rot, crown wart, seedling diseases, and diseases caused by environmental factors, toxicities, or nutrient deficiencies
  • nematode pests, including alfalfa stem nematode and root-knot nematode
  • weeds in seedling alfalfa and in established stands, with descriptions and color photos of a dozen common species
  • a color photo key to damage symptoms
  • glossary

Truly Outstanding

"...written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms...The color plates are truly outstanding."
--Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

How to order

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It is also available by mail, by telephone, or through the ANR sales offices and many UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For locations and more information, see "How to Order Publications."

List of Contents

Common and Scientific Names of Pests
Integrated Pest Management in Alfalfa Hay
The Alfalfa Plant: Growth Requirements and Development
  • Growth Requirements · Growth Rates ·  Stages of Crop Development
Managing Pests in the Alfalfa Ecosystem
  • Field Monitoring (Monitoring Pests · Monitoring Weather) · Control Action Guidelines · Management Methods (Cultural Practices · Cultivar Selection · Biological Control · Pesticides)
Vertebrate Pests
  • Pocket Gophers  · Ground Squirrels · Meadow Mice  · Hares · Rabbits · Deer
Insects and Other Arthropods
  • Monitoring for Insects (Monitoring Methods) · Alfalfa Weevil  · Egyptian Alfalfa Weevil · Pea Aphid  · Blue Alfalfa Aphid  · Spotted Alfalfa Aphid  · Alfalfa Caterpillar  · Beet Armyworm  · Western Yellowstriped Armyworm  · Cutworms · Other Arthropods That Feed on Alfalfa (Clover Root Curculio · Webworms · Sowbugs · Leafhoppers and Treehoppers · Lygus Bugs · Thrips · Spider Mites)
Alfalfa Plant Diseases
  • Monitoring for Plant Pathogens  · Common Leaf Spot  · Stemphylium Leaf Spot  · Spring Black Stem  · Downy Mildew  · Stagonospora Crown and Root Rot  · Phytophthora Root Rot  · Rhizoctonia Root and Stem Canker  · Southern Anthracnose · Bacterial Wilt  · Alfalfa Mosaic Virus  · Rust  · Dwarf  · Sclerotinia Rot  · Fusarium Wilt  · Phymatotrichum Root Rot  · Crown Wart  · Seedling and Seed Diseases, Damping Off  · Diseases Caused by Environmental Factors, Toxicities, or Nutrient Deficiencies (Scald or High Temperature Flooding Injury · Air Pollution Damage · Herbicide Injury · Potassium Deficiency · Boron Deficiency · Sulfur Deficiency)
  • Alfalfa Stem Nematode  · Root-Knot Nematode
  • General Weed Management Practices · Weeds in Seedling Alfalfa (Common Fiddleneck · Mustards · Wild Oats) · Winter Weeds in Established Stands (Common Goundsel · Common Knotweed · Chickweed · London Rocket · Annual Bluegrass · Shepherdspurse) · Summer Weeds (Yellow Foxtail · Barnyardgrass) · Dodder
  • Key to Damage Symptoms · Glossary

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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