Statewide IPM Program



UC IPM provides opportunities for additional learning in the form of presentations, conferences, workshops and hands-on training. Additional educational materials, including videos, DVDs, books, and leaflets, are available in the Publications section. Check the Online training page for online interactive learning opportunities.

Urban & Community IPM Webinar Series

Join UC IPM Urban & Community Program for a monthly webinar series that is free and open to the public. Every third Thursday, presenters will share helpful pest management information for California residents. Topics will vary each month, covering pest management in landscapes, household pests, rodent identification, understanding pesticides, weed management, invasive pests and more. Webinars will begin at 12:00 p.m. and run for one hour.

To register and learn more, visit the Urban & Community IPM webinars website.

UC Ag Experts Talk Webinar Series

Join us for a monthly series of one-hour webinars designed for commercial agricultural growers and pest control advisers that highlights various pest management and subtropical horticultural topics. During each webinar, a UC Expert presents and answers questions. To check upcoming topics, register for the webinars, and view past webinars visit the UC Ag Experts Talk website.

Pesticide Safety Workshops

Train-the-Trainer 2024

Instructor Training Workshops via Zoom

The Train the Trainer workshop will qualify participants to train fieldworkers and pesticide handlers under CA pesticide regulations.

Topics will cover 2024 regulation updates, pesticide exposure, signs and symptoms of illness, emergency medical care, proper use of personal protective equipment, safe handling and transportation of pesticides, and laws and regulations regarding labels and safety data sheets.

This training is approved by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). Each participant will receive a certificate and continuing education units. All workshops run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Who should attend?
Ag supervisors    •    Growers    •     Farm Labor Contractors    •    Safety Managers    •    Safety Trainers  •    Principal Investigators or Lab Manager conducting field research

Download the Pesticide Safety Instructor Training flier.

August 6 ENGLISH cancelled
August 20 SPANISH
September 10 ENGLISH
September 24 SPANISH
October 8 ENGLISH
October 22 SPANISH
November 12 SPANISH
November 15 ENGLISH

Registration NOW OPEN!

Train-the-Trainer Refresher Workshops via Zoom

This three-hour workshop is a refresher for the topics from the Train-The-Trainer certification workshop. This workshop is a condensed course that briefly and thoroughly discusses the required annual training topics for fieldworkers and handlers. This workshop does NOT certify you as trainer. If you need a refresher on pesticide safety training topics, we strongly suggest you take this course.

(3 CE L&R DPR approved) Download flier here.

September 17 ENGLISH and SPANISH
October 15 ENGLISH and SPANISH
November 19 ENGLISH and SPANISH

Registration NOW OPEN!

Talleres De Seguridad De Pesticidas

Capacitación de Instructores via Zoom

Si buscas ser capacitador certificado, este taller es para ti. Los participantes en este programa serán calificados para entrenar a los trabajadores de campo y a los aplicadores de pesticidas, como es requerido por las regulaciones del estado de California, he incluso el Estándar de Protección del Trabajador revisado por EPA. El Departamento de Regulaciones de Pesticidas de California (DPR) aprobó esta capacitación. Cada participante recibirá un certificado y CE aprobado por DPR. Todos los talleres son de de 8 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Descarga el folleto aquí.

Agosto 6 INGLÉS cancelado
Agosto 20 ESPAÑOL
Septiembre 10 INGLÉS
Septiembre 24 ESPAÑOL
Octubre 8 INGLÉS
Octubre 22 ESPAÑOL
Noviembre 12 ESPAÑOL
Noviembre 15 INGLÉS

¡Registración disponible, registrate ahora!

Actualización de Entrenamiento via Zoom

Este taller es un repaso de la capacitación de intructores (Tambien conocido como “Train the Trainer”). En este taller, revisaremos los temas requeridos de capacitación anual para trabajadores de campo y manipuladores. Este taller NO te certifica como instructor. Nostros recomendamos que tomes este taller para estar al dia con tu conocimiento de los temas para entrenar a trabajadores y manipuladores en seguridad de pesticidas. Descarga folleto aqui

(3 L&R creditos de Educación Continua pediente aprobaciónaprobado de por DPR)

¡Registración se abrio, registrate ahora!

Septiembre 17 INGLÉS y ESPAÑOL
Noviembre 19 INGLÉS y ESPAÑOL

Resources for Trainers

Worker Protection Standard Handout
Summary of Federal Worker Protection Standard (WPS) changes

Resumen de los cambios al Estándar Federal de Protección del Trabajador (WPS por sus siglas en inglés)

California Department of Pesticide Regulation Training

Text Updated: 08/2023