Integrated Pest Management · Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Pruning fruit and shade trees and shrubs
Pruning is important for maintaining the structure and health of trees and shrubs. Proper pruning can also control and prevent certain pests. Follow proper pruning guidelines to ensure you are pruning at the proper time using the proper method.
Plant-specific pruning information
- Almonds
- Apples
- Apricots
- Avocados
- Caneberries
- Cherries
- Citrus
- Figs
- Grapes
- Landscape trees
- Peaches and nectarines
- Pears
- Plums and prunes
- Roses
- Strawberries
- Walnuts
Pests or disorders for which pruning may prevent or control problems
- Anthracnose
- Bacterial blight and canker of Prunus (e.g., stone fruit) and Syringa (lilac)
- Botrytis fruit rot in caneberries
- Brown rot of stone fruits
- Canker diseases
- Cherry buckskin
- Crown gall
- Deep bark canker
- Eutypa dieback in apricots
- Eutypa dieback in grapes
- Fire blight of apple, crabapple, pear, pyracantha, and other pome plants
- Oleander gall, or knot
- Olive knot
- Palm diseases
- Phomopsis canker in figs
- Powdery mildew
- Sappy bark in apples
- Wood decay
Environmental disorders
Additional information
Landscape management (UCR Center for Landscape and Urban Horticulture)
Training Young Trees video (UC Cooperative Extension San Joaquin County)