UCCE Strawberry and Vegetable Crops Advisor Surendra Dara started his term as an affiliated IPM advisor in 2012. Five years later he has completed his term.
Dara finds IPM solutions for pests and diseases, recently focusing on his expertise in entomopathology, the study of insect diseases. He also works on irrigation and nutrition management issues. Dara continues to work closely with the UC IPM Program, especially as a leader and author of the Onion and Garlic, Strawberry, Lettuce, and Cole Crops Pest Management Guidelines.
“It has been a real pleasure working with the IPM group. My research focus on providing IPM solutions will continue.” —Surendra Dara.”
UCCE advisors who work in pest management are invited by the director to affiliate with UC IPM to broaden the Program’s support and outreach network throughout California. UC IPM has one affiliated specialist, three permanently affiliated advisors, and three affiliated advisors on 5-year terms.