Mark Takata

Mark Takata Photo by: C. Reynolds
Mark Takata

UC IPM welcomed Mark Takata as the web designer and production coordinator. Takata will coordinate and ensure that IPM content is clearly laid out and quickly and efficiently published to the UC IPM website. He will also work with the rest of the IT/Production staff to transition the current web pages, as well as any new projects, to a more mobile friendly look and feel.

For three months in 2015, Takata contracted with UC IPM to help design and code the user interface for the urban plant problem diagnostic tool, mobile Pest Management Guidelines framework and other projects.

Takata has over 10 years of experience in web production workflow, user interaction and user experience (UI/UX) design and programming. He consulted for UC Davis, UC Merced, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Avanade, HDMI, Visa, and Accenture among others. In 2015, he returned to UC Davis where he provided technical solutions for the Office of the Chancellor and Provost, Mondavi Center and other campus units as an employee with the Information and Education Technology group.