UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Staff Appreciation and Recognition (STAR) awards were presented to Shannah Whithaus and Cheryl Reynolds to acknowledge their exceptional performance and significant contributions.
Reynolds received the award because of her increasing leadership in her work. She works independently on projects and balances the multiple running parts to develop online training courses. She completed two last year. In particular, Reynolds was recognized for her expertise in managing UC IPM’s 100,000-image photo library, which is greatly valued by ANR colleagues and other clientele. Reynolds’ coordination to post articles in ANR blogs has formed new partnerships with ANR colleagues and also increased UC IPM’s social-media presence.
Whithaus received the award because she performed consistently well in all her job expectations. She initiated a collaboration with colleagues from Ohio State University, the University of Nebraska, and the University of Minnesota to provide a venue for others to learn from her knowledge and experience. Whithaus was integral to the planning and development of the National Manual Development Workshop held in May this year.